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Production and Processing Services
This page encompasses several different kinds of programs to do with production.
What Are These Programs?
On-Demand Production
This is a common method of ordering capitals and supercapitals. It involves the client putting in a request for a specific ship or module to be produced, which is then sold to the client on completion. Sometimes this is paid for upfront, and other times it is paid for on completion.
From-Stock Production
From-Stock Production is simply the continuous building of certain items (usually ships like capitals) which are then stockpiled and can be ordered.
BPC Creation
These programs involve the Copying of Blueprint Originals (BPOs) into Blueprint Copies (BPCs), which are then sold to people who can't afford to or can't practically keep a stock of BPOs themselves. These orders can be On-Demand or From-Stock.
Ore Reprocessing
These programs are usually run by people with extremely high reprocessing skills and implants, who will reprocess ore for clients at their increased rate for a small fee or cut of the resulting minerals. This usually involves you contracting your ore over to a character and them contracting or delivering the resulting minerals back to you minus the fee or cut.
If you operate a program and would like to have it listed here, see How to make a service page and tell us in the #wiki-updates channel on Slack.
BPC Creation

Ore Moon Ore Ice Moro Ainsan Ibani Talidal P-ZMZV W-IX39
Reprocessing Tax in ISK for R4 and HS Ore / 2% Cut for everything else

Ore Ice Moon Ore Modules T5ZI-S P-ZMZV
Reprocessing tax in ISK
These lists are rotated every month. Last rotation was August 29th, 2021 by Aernir Ridley.