
Brave IT Services

Brave IT Services is responsible for the management of all alliance-level IT infrastructure. We research and develop alliance-level IT projects. We are also responsible for maintaining and providing support for all alliance-level IT projects.

Name Position
Aernir Ridley Director
Tian Khamez Admin
Rangvaldr Admin
Al Heamer Admin

Join the Slack channel #brave-it-projects.

Join the in-game chat channel Brave IT Support or the Slack channel #brave-it-services-support (preferred).

You can also send a message to the IT team via the Ping Tool, select "IT Team".

If you are not a member of Brave Collective and need to contact us, you can join our public Diplo + Recruitment Discord server.

  • public/alliance/it/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/08/12 16:10
  • by Tian Khamez