
This is an old revision of the document!

Before we can welcome you into our home hole, there are a few tasks that we need you to take care of. These will give you the tools that you need to safely navigate WHs, join us in PvP/PvE content, and ask questions as needed. Please read everything in this document carefully. Yes, even if you are excited/already know everything about WH life. First, we need to make sure you understand your part in keeping Spoopy Newbies safe.

<WRAP right>

Safety is our first priority
It is, but we can still be safe!


OPSEC, or "Operational Security" is critical to the continued survival of the corporation. Unlike BNI proper, we do not have large enough numbers to defend ourself from existential threats. Additionally, due to the nature of wormhole mechanics, we do not have the safety net of asset safety to rescue our stuff, and a relatively small number of pilots could establish hole control and make it very hard for reinforcements from BNI to reach us.

Let me repeat that: If we are evicted everything that is in the hole drops.

We are playing for keeps.

How can you keep us safe?

The best (and easiest) way to keep us safe is by practicing basic WH procedures. <WRAP right>



  1. Do NOT give information about the chain or entrances to people who are not in Spoopy Newbies.
    1. This include's members of BNI. If someone from BNI wants to take part in our slumber party program they should be in slack channels and we can sort them out there.
    2. The best safety method that we have is the fact that finding our hole is relatively difficult unless you are in it. Once someone who would be interested in causing us trouble enters the hole, there is very little we can do to remove them.
  2. Do NOT talk in local in WHs.
    1. Talking in local gives away free intel. Even if you just had a good fight, saying GF in local gives information that our chain is nearby to others. Remember, the people we brawled with might not be the only people in the hole!
    2. Do NOT give out information on our numbers, active TZs, doctrines, assets, or location. Secrecy is our best defense.

Additionally, we strongly encourage individual pilots to work towards our defense fleet doctrines. The ability to form a strong enough fleet that we can safely establish hole control is critical to our survival as it will allow us to bring in friendly fleets, while denying enemy fleets the ability to receive reinforcements.

There are three out of game tools that we make heavy use of in Spoopy Newbies. These tools help us to communicate with each other, as well as assisting our WH mapping capabilities. Access to all three of them is required for life in the WH.

Slack and Mumble require a Core Account. Please setup core using the guide available at Here.


Slack is an online chatroom service that the alliance uses to communicate between members who are out of game. It contains an insane amount of different chatrooms, is free, and provides good services. Whether you are interested in asking questions in Dojo, talking to us in our WH room, posting memes in random, or PMing leadership, slack does it all. If you have questions or need to contact leadership when they are not in game, this is the place to do it.

Click This Link to get Slack setup

Once you are in slack, ask in Lobby for access to the WH channels.


Mumble is our Voice Over IP (VOIP) service for the alliance. This is virtually required if you want to come on a fleet with us, and also a good way of contacting us in game. All alliance fleets and alliance classes will be hosted on Dojo. Mumble makes EVE less scary, and it makes us guiding you into the WH much simpler when we can talk you through it instead of typing.

You do not have to have a microphone, but being able to listen makes things much easier on everyone.

Click This Link to get Mumble setup


Tripwire is a free WH mapping tool. It keeps track of all the WHs and anomalies that we encounter during our travels, and it lets everyone else in the corporation see what everyone else has mapped. This makes mapping the WH and then moving through it easy for everyone!

Tripwire can be found at Please create an account and log in using your in game browser whenever you are online. You should be able to select our corporation mask by clicking on the gear on the top right of the window and then selecting Corporation. This lets you see our results, and lets you share yours!

A tripwire guide can be found at this guide. If you ask where the entrance to the hole is, we know you don't have tripwire setup yet!

In WH space, there are no set gates that you can warp to on the overview. Instead, someone must scan down the hole and create a bookmark to be able to return to it. Corporation bookmarks allow everyone in the corporation to use the same bookmark, so it means only 1 person has to scan down each hole, and makes moving through holes you haven't scanned yet a breeze. Every member of the corporation has the ability to create corporation bookmarks.

In order to avoid confusion, we have adopted the following naming convention for setting up bookmarks: WH bookmarks should go into the "Connections" folder of the Corp Bookmarks page, and they should have the following form, If the hole takes me away from Theta (our home system), it is "THREE LETTER SIG ID" - Into "Destination Type of WH or System" - "Type of WH". If the hole takes me towards Theta (our home system), it is "THREE LETTER SIG ID" - Back To "Destination Type of WH or System" -"Type of WH".


I have just finished scanning sig ID ABC-123, a Wormhole. I create a corp bookmark on the sig ID and enter "ABC- Into X - X" and warp to the WH. When I land, I see that it is a D382 WH. I enter that information into tripwire, and it says that it must go to a C2. I can then right click on the hole, fill in "ABC - Into C2 - D382", and save it as a corp bookmark. I then delete the old bookmark that was on the sig (it is best to bookmark the hole itself, but you can't until you arrive on the hole and if there are multiple holes you may need to leave some up while you scan others).

When I jump through the hole, tripwire will update the map. I then save the hole I just jumped through as "X - Back to Theta - K162". I put an X in for the first entry because I don't know what the sig ID is for the hole. Once I figure out what the sig ID of the hole is, I can create a corp bookmark for it.

And that is everything to get you setup with.

  • public/corps/spoopy-newbies/newmemberguide.1475021879.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/09/28 00:17
  • by Aquasta