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BRAVE Alliance Rules
Core Rules
(§1) Stay Classy
Our first and most important rule, Stay Classy defines our conduct as members of Brave. You can learn more about what that means in the fine print below.
Source: Brave Collective
The Fine Print:
Additional Reading: The Reddit Post Where It All Began
(§2) Do Not Shoot Blues
NPSI Fleets, Faction Warfare, and other organized PvP activities DO NOT constitute exceptions to this rule. Additionally, you may not use neutral alts to circumvent this rule.
Source: Brave Collective / The Imperium
The Fine Print:
(§3) Scams and Ransoms
Claiming to be a representative or officer of the alliance or one of its corporations as part of a scam is strictly prohibited.
Source: Brave Collective
(§4) Market Policies
Supercapitals may only be sold within The Imperium and in accordance with the Imperium Supercapital Sales Policy.
Capitals may not be sold to neutrals or hostiles in or near Imperium Space, may not be sold in Amarrian Lowsec space, and may not be sold via public contracts in these areas.
Source: Brave Collective / The Imperium
The Fine Print:
Additional Reading: Goonswarm Blue-Fucking Policy / Imperium Supercapital Sales Policy
(§5) Looting
Loot from friendly capitals must either be returned to the owner or sent to Brave Holdings.
Please do not loot or salvage on a grid where a fight is actively ongoing.
Source: Brave Collective
(§6) Eve Online TOS and EULA
If you suspect someone of violating either of these documents, you are expected to report the character in question to both CCP and to alliance leadership by sending a ping to HR.
Source: CCP Games / Brave Collective
Additional Reading: EVE Online - Terms of Service / EVE Online - End User License Agreement
Administrative Rules
(§7) PvE Policies
Capital pilots must join the Imperium Beehive SIG to engage in PvE under the Delve Supercapital Umbrella.
All exploration sites must be completed or failed once started so they may respawn. Failing to do this is known as Cherrypicking.
You may not access Main or Reserve Banks belonging to Brave or any blue alliance.
Source: The Imperium
The Fine Print:
Additional Reading: Imperium Ratting Rights Policy / The Imperium Beehive SIG
(§8) Ship Usage Restrictions
No capital ships are entitled to support unless they have existing arrangements, or can convince someone to provide it.
All ships operating in allied space must comply with the controlling alliance's rules and requests.
Source: Brave Collective
The Fine Print:
(§9) Personal Deployables
MTUs may be shot on active combat grids and when left in unfinished anomalies. They may not be dropped in any mining locations.
You should attempt to contact and give the owner of an MTU a chance to scoop it before shooting it.
Warp Disruption Bubbles should not be placed on gates in any Brave or allied staging system. Bubbles may be destroyed if left unattended.
Source: Brave Collective / The Imperium
Additional Reading: List of Personal Deployable Structures
(§10) Brave Core and Imperium Auth Accounts
ALL your characters must be registered with and maintain valid tokens on Imperium Auth.
Source: Brave Collective / The Imperium
The Fine Print:
Requirements for Member Corporations
(§11) Independent Corporations - Brave Collective
Source: Brave Collective
(§12) Alt Corporations - Brave United
Source: Brave Collective
On Enforcement
(§13) Definition of Alliance Services
Source: Brave Collective
(§14) Brave HR
Members are expected to comply with HR's instructions. The HR department can and will moderate all alliance services.
You can contact HR by sending a ping to the HR category via our Ping Board. A list of HR Officers can be found on the HR Wiki Page.
Source: Brave Collective
The Fine Print:
(§15) On Rules Lawyering
Brave HR is authorized to take disciplinary action beyond the immediate scope of the rules on this page if it is deemed necessary. The HR team answers to the Head of HR and the alliance CEO.
Source: Brave Collective