Combat Rorqual Skillplans

King Krab (Capital Group)
The Rorqual is the ORE Capital Industrial Ship. Best known for its mining yields, the ship also boasts an incredible array of combat capabilities, being effective in all four major fleet combat roles.
Skillplan Core Requirement
To begin training, you must have the Fresh Capital Alt Skillplan completed.King Krab - From Capital Alt
228 days, 1 hour, 58 minutes, 10 seconds
Electronic Warfare II Electronic Warfare III Electronic Warfare IV Repair Systems II Remote Armor Repair Systems I Remote Armor Repair Systems II Remote Armor Repair Systems III Remote Armor Repair Systems IV Shield Emission Systems I Shield Emission Systems II Shield Emission Systems III Shield Emission Systems IV Shield Emission Systems V Shield Operation I Shield Operation II Shield Operation III Shield Operation IV Shield Operation V Shield Management V Capital Shield Operation I Capital Shield Operation II Capital Shield Operation III Capital Shield Operation IV Propulsion Jamming II Propulsion Jamming III Propulsion Jamming IV Propulsion Jamming V Capital Shield Emission Systems I Capital Shield Emission Systems II Capital Shield Emission Systems III Target Painting I Target Painting II Target Painting III Target Painting IV Graviton Physics I Graviton Physics II Graviton Physics III Graviton Physics IV Tactical Shield Manipulation V Invulnerability Core Operation I Invulnerability Core Operation II Invulnerability Core Operation III Invulnerability Core Operation IV EM Shield Compensation I EM Shield Compensation II EM Shield Compensation III Thermal Shield Compensation I Thermal Shield Compensation II Thermal Shield Compensation III Explosive Shield Compensation I Explosive Shield Compensation II Explosive Shield Compensation III Kinetic Shield Compensation I Kinetic Shield Compensation II Kinetic Shield Compensation III Shield Upgrades II Shield Upgrades III Shield Upgrades IV Shield Upgrades V ORE Industrial I ORE Industrial II ORE Industrial III Mining Foreman I Mining Foreman II Mining Foreman III Mining Foreman IV Mining Foreman V Mining Director I Industrial Command Ships I Industrial Command Ships II Industrial Command Ships III Industry II Industry III Light Drone Operation I Light Drone Operation II Light Drone Operation III Light Drone Operation IV Light Drone Operation V Mass Production I Mass Production II Mass Production III Mass Production IV Mass Production V Advanced Mass Production I Advanced Mass Production II Advanced Mass Production III Advanced Mass Production IV Industrial Reconfiguration I Capital Industrial Ships I Capital Industrial Ships II Capital Industrial Ships III Industrial Reconfiguration II Industrial Reconfiguration III Drones II Drones III Drones IV Drones V Advanced Drone Avionics I Advanced Drone Avionics II Advanced Drone Avionics III Advanced Drone Avionics IV Drone Avionics II Drone Avionics III Drone Durability I Drone Durability II Drone Durability III Drone Durability IV Drone Interfacing I Drone Interfacing II Drone Interfacing III Drone Interfacing IV Drone Sharpshooting I Drone Sharpshooting II Drone Sharpshooting III Drone Sharpshooting IV Heavy Drone Operation I Heavy Drone Operation II Heavy Drone Operation III Heavy Drone Operation IV Medium Drone Operation I Medium Drone Operation II Medium Drone Operation III Medium Drone Operation IV Medium Drone Operation V Repair Drone Operation I Repair Drone Operation II Repair Drone Operation III Repair Drone Operation IV Sentry Drone Interfacing I Sentry Drone Interfacing II Sentry Drone Interfacing III Sentry Drone Interfacing IV Drone Avionics IV Drone Avionics V Drone Navigation I Drone Navigation II Drone Navigation III Drone Navigation IV Drone Navigation V Drone Sharpshooting V Salvage Drone Operation I Salvage Drone Operation II Salvage Drone Operation III Amarr Drone Specialization I Amarr Drone Specialization II Amarr Drone Specialization III Caldari Drone Specialization I Caldari Drone Specialization II Caldari Drone Specialization III Gallente Drone Specialization I Gallente Drone Specialization II Gallente Drone Specialization III Minmatar Drone Specialization I Minmatar Drone Specialization II Minmatar Drone Specialization III