Revelation Skillplans

The Revelation is the Amarr Dreadnought. It combines some of the best aspects of the Naglfar and Phoenix, having very powerful local reps while also pushing out decent DPS to the longest range of any standard dreadnought. Unlike the other two's weapon systems though, its lasers are damage locked to EM and Thermal.
Skillplan Core Requirement
To begin training, you must have the Fresh Capital Alt Skillplan completed.Revelation - From Capital Alt
124 days, 17 hours, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
Weapon Upgrades III Weapon Upgrades IV Advanced Weapon Upgrades I Advanced Weapon Upgrades II Advanced Weapon Upgrades III Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV Advanced Weapon Upgrades V Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration I Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration II Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration III Gunnery V Motion Prediction III Motion Prediction IV Rapid Firing III Rapid Firing IV Sharpshooter III Sharpshooter IV Surgical Strike I Surgical Strike II Surgical Strike III Surgical Strike IV Trajectory Analysis II Trajectory Analysis III Trajectory Analysis IV Hull Upgrades V EM Armor Compensation I EM Armor Compensation II EM Armor Compensation III EM Armor Compensation IV Explosive Armor Compensation I Explosive Armor Compensation II Explosive Armor Compensation III Explosive Armor Compensation IV Kinetic Armor Compensation I Kinetic Armor Compensation II Kinetic Armor Compensation III Kinetic Armor Compensation IV Thermal Armor Compensation I Thermal Armor Compensation II Thermal Armor Compensation III Thermal Armor Compensation IV Armor Layering I Armor Layering II Armor Layering III Amarr Frigate I Amarr Frigate II Amarr Frigate III Amarr Destroyer I Amarr Destroyer II Amarr Destroyer III Amarr Cruiser I Amarr Cruiser II Amarr Cruiser III Amarr Battlecruiser I Amarr Battlecruiser II Amarr Battlecruiser III Amarr Battleship I Amarr Battleship II Amarr Battleship III Amarr Dreadnought I Amarr Dreadnought II Amarr Dreadnought III Small Energy Turret I Small Energy Turret II Small Energy Turret III Medium Energy Turret I Medium Energy Turret II Medium Energy Turret III Large Energy Turret I Large Energy Turret II Large Energy Turret III Large Energy Turret IV Large Energy Turret V Capital Energy Turret I Capital Energy Turret II Capital Energy Turret III Capital Energy Turret IV Controlled Bursts III Controlled Bursts IV Radar Sensor Compensation I Radar Sensor Compensation II Radar Sensor Compensation III