Phoenix Skillplans

The Phoenix is the Caldari Dreadnought. Since its buff in the Explosive Velocity Update the Phoenix has been in the unique position of having the best tank and second highest damage of any standard dreadnought. This combined with its good range and fully-selectable damage makes it a great option for any dread pilot.
Skillplan Core Requirement
To begin training, you must have the Fresh Capital Alt Skillplan completed.Phoenix - From Capital Alt
122 days, 12 hours, 27 minutes, 10 seconds
Weapon Upgrades III Weapon Upgrades IV Advanced Weapon Upgrades I Advanced Weapon Upgrades II Advanced Weapon Upgrades III Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV Advanced Weapon Upgrades V Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration I Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration II Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration III Missile Launcher Operation II Missile Launcher Operation III Missile Launcher Operation IV Missile Launcher Operation V Target Navigation Prediction I Target Navigation Prediction II Target Navigation Prediction III Target Navigation Prediction IV Guided Missile Precision I Guided Missile Precision II Guided Missile Precision III Guided Missile Precision IV Rapid Launch I Rapid Launch II Rapid Launch III Rapid Launch IV Missile Bombardment I Missile Bombardment II Missile Bombardment III Missile Bombardment IV Warhead Upgrades I Warhead Upgrades II Warhead Upgrades III Warhead Upgrades IV Missile Projection I Missile Projection II Missile Projection III Missile Projection IV Shield Management V Shield Operation I Shield Operation II Shield Operation III Shield Operation IV Shield Upgrades II Shield Upgrades III Shield Upgrades IV Caldari Frigate I Caldari Frigate II Caldari Frigate III Caldari Destroyer I Caldari Destroyer II Caldari Destroyer III Caldari Cruiser I Caldari Cruiser II Caldari Cruiser III Caldari Battlecruiser I Caldari Battlecruiser II Caldari Battlecruiser III Caldari Battleship I Caldari Battleship II Caldari Battleship III Caldari Dreadnought I Caldari Dreadnought II Caldari Dreadnought III Light Missiles I Light Missiles II Light Missiles III Heavy Missiles I Heavy Missiles II Heavy Missiles III Torpedoes I Torpedoes II Torpedoes III Torpedoes IV Torpedoes V XL Torpedoes I XL Torpedoes II XL Torpedoes III XL Torpedoes IV Gravimetric Sensor Compensation I Gravimetric Sensor Compensation II Gravimetric Sensor Compensation III