Huginn Skillplans

The Huginn is a Minmatar T2 Recon Ship.
Huginns get special bonuses to webbing, making them one of the most commonly used support ships on stratops.
Skillplan Core Requirement
To begin training, you must have up to and including the Established Skillplan Core completed.Huginn Minimum
63 days, 19 hours, 25 minutes
Cloaking IV Electronics Upgrades V Minmatar Cruiser I Minmatar Cruiser II Minmatar Cruiser III Minmatar Cruiser IV Minmatar Cruiser V Light Missiles IV Light Missiles V Light Missile Specialization I Light Missile Specialization II Light Missile Specialization III Recon Ships I Recon Ships II Recon Ships III Recon Ships IV Minmatar Drone Specialization I Minmatar Drone Specialization II Minmatar Drone Specialization III