Not all sites have a strategy attached to it. If you want to help out, contact SomeKiwi on Slack
Homefront Operations
Brave Homefront SIG
Brave frequently runs HF fleets out of Amarr. If you want to join, keep an eye out for pings, and sign up, since spots are limited.
Tips & Tricks
Here are a list of important information that you should know and that apply to any homefront site.
Must know things
- Whoever enters the site first, owns the site.
- Homefront Operations should be run with Green Safety, or you risk getting suspect timers.
Identifying and Predicting Taken Sites
The golden rule of Homefront Sites is that whoever enters the site first, owns the site. There used to be a problem with two fleets entering the same fleet, reducing the payout for each player significantly. CCP then added a suspect timer when attempting to enter an already taken site.
- Once a player activates the acceleration gate, a beacon lights with the site name
- If you activate the acceleration gate while another fleet is in the site, you get a suspect timer, meaning everyone can shoot you
- If a fleet enters the site and then leaves the site without completing it, you can now enter the site without getting a suspect timer
- To confirm wether a site is really taken, check if there are 3/5 ships on D-Scan
- Some sites allow the site to be completed even if another fleet has already entered the site and then left. Most sites do have completion timers, so watch out that you still have enough time to complete the site before it automatically fails
- Before the fleet, check the amount of sites available for the type you want to do. If there are five or more sites around, you can assume that there is no competition, less than that and there might be some competition. If there are 0-1 sites available, you can assume heavy competition
- During the fleet, keep mental note of which sites spawned where, which systems you completed and which ones you didn't but still disappeared. If you constantly notice sites despawning that you didn't complete, that is another sign of a second fleet being around
- If you see a second fleet in space, make your way to the nearest site immediately. You will be there before them. Now you can also assume that the second closest site will be taken by them
- Most of this is pattern recognition based on what you notice other fleets do. You want to prevent warping to already taken sites as much as possible
In total, there are twelve different Homefront types, with each of them having a different objective. All sites' payouts vary depending on how many players participated in the site and are on grid during completion. For some sites, this payment peaks at five players, and others at three players. We will refer to them as three player sites and five player sites from now on. The sites can be completed with more or less players than the optimal, but that will lead to the payment being reduced.
5-Player Sites

High Difficulty High ISK/hr
Mine multiple waves of asteroids with an increasing amount of rats on grid

Low Difficulty Medium ISK/hr
A friendly Dreadnaught has been neuted out. Boost its capacitor so it can destroy the enemy structure

Medium Difficulty Low ISK/hr
An enemy fleet is attacking a friendly structure. Shoot the enemies and make sure that the structure remains alive

Low Difficulty Low ISK/hr
A valuable asteroid has been found. Deplete it and get rewarded

Medium Difficulty High ISK/hr
An smuggler structure has been located. Tackle the haulers and save the smuggled goods
3-Player Sites

Medium Difficulty Low ISK/hr
Neutralize all towers to prevent Sleepers from destabilizing the Abyssal rift

Medium Difficulty Low ISK/hr
A structure is being used by smugglers to traffic contraband data. Cargo scan the smugglers and eliminate them