Standing Fleets versus Pinged Fleets
Within Brave Collective, two major fleets exist which you can, and should join, whenever you are in game. Standing Fleets and Pinged Fleets. See below for details on each fleet type's purpose and location.
Standing Fleet
Standing Fleets are 24/7 fleets which are always up and available for pilots to join. These are typically sorted by regional or alliance-based standing fleets, so you are able to coordinate with pilots in the same geographic area and alliance as you. These are used as general purpose fleets, where a wide variety of PVP, Mining, Ratting, and Industry will be taking place simultaneously. These are also the primary fleets by which we will engage in routine home defense, assisting Ratting and Mining ships which are being harassed or are under attack by roaming gangs, as well as dealing with low key attacks on our sov and infrastructure. These fleets are typically held by a fleet boss, who sets up the advert and MOTD, but is not necessarily around at all times. Mumble channels for this can be found on the Brave Mumble for a standing fleet to operate out of, and these comms channels will typically be posted in the MOTD as well.
Pinged Fleet
A Pinged Fleet is a short term fleet which is pinged out via one of the pinged slack channels. These fleets can be pinged by anyone, but more typically a Fleet Commander, either within a Corporation, Special Interest Group (SIG) or an alliance-tagged FC will send it. In many situations, a pinged fleet will be eligible for Ship Replacement (SRP) as defined on the main SRP page. Many times a Standing Fleet will move over to a Pinged Fleet if the situation warrants shipping up into a proper doctrine and organized under an FC rather than just a fleet boss. In this case, comms will often move over to a new channel as well, however this is not a requirement and simply used to reduce the clutter of a particular channel which may have a large number of AFK pilots in it.
Casual Fleets
Casual Fleets are pinged fleets which can be sent out via the Ping Tool by anyone in Brave Collective. These typically land in the #pings-casual slack channel. These fleets offer no SRP, however if the FC in question is being sponsored by the Dojo, they may have ship handouts available for pilots to use. Beyond that, the doctrine may be an official alliance doctrine or something unique, but the FC and ideally their fleet MOTD will provide amplifying details. Participation in these fleets is optional, but its always good to support up-and-coming FCs trying to earn their stripes.
Fun Fleets
Fun Fleets are pinged fleets which can be sent out via the ping tool by any Corp or Alliance level FC. These offer fun fleet SRP which typically covers most of the cost of T1 Doctrine ships, as well as common pool supports, such as Interdictors and Fast Tackle. In some cases T2 doctrines will be pinged with fun fleet SRP, but please be aware that SRP values are reduced in these cases. See the SRP page and each individual ship page for its exact payout. These fleets are typically home defense and roaming fleets, where we go out in search of content, kills, and/or to fight gangs that are roaming in our space. Fun Fleets are usually pinged out of #pings-casual. Like Casual Fleets, these fleets are not mandatory, but can offer fun content opportunities both inside and outside of our borders.
Stratop Fleets
Stratop Fleets are the most common, and most important fleets Brave Collective will typically run. These fleets can be sent out by any tagged alliance FC. These are where we make strategic pushes into hostile territory, or form to defend our key infrastructure and enforce control over our borders. Any alliance level doctrine that Brave Collective operates can be pinged at Stratop SRP levels at any time. These fleets will always be pinged via #pings-stratop in Slack. During Stratops, we will typically redlight PVE in our home regions, as with all our PVP pilots on that fleet there will be very little protection offered to pilots that decide to say out in their ratting/mining ships, and Capital/Rorqual saves will not be conducted during this time. You should always try to attend stratop fleets when they are pinged during your regular playing time, as the key to maintaining our presence in nullsec and being able to PVE relies on us presenting a strong, capable fighting force during these operations.
Cap Fleets
CTA Fleets
At the top of the ladder, is a fleet ping reserved only for the most important timers and objectives. Critical Ihubs, Keepstars or other anchoring/reinforced structures will justify a CTA Ping. These fleets will typically only be pinged out by a Stratop FC or Above. During a CTA, all SRP levels on doctrine ships are elevated by 25% of their typical value. During these ops, all forms of PVE and other activity in Brave is typically shut down, including Standing Fleets and any other concurrent roams/stratops. Maximum participation is needed during these events, which are extremely rare as it is, and we would ask as many pilots as possible to try and make IRL arrangements in order to attend these ops when they happen.