
The Brave Collective Roleplaying SIG

The Brave Collective Roleplaying SIG exists as the officially sanctioned group for anyone in Brave Collective who are interested in roleplaying in Eve Online. Our goal is to provide a welcoming, positive environment both in character and out for those who are interested in roleplaying, as well as helping players who are new or inexperienced in what Eve roleplaying is like and how to get into it.

We also exist as the official in-character representation of Brave Collective, for the purpose of having Brave exist as part of the lore beyond our OOC actions, as well as being able to coordinate with other roleplaying groups and alliances, while making sure we still have a space to foster good story telling, character development, and roleplaying within our own.

Name Position Contact
Vacant Director
Wolfy Alexstrasza Deputy Director Slack: @Wolfy Alexstrasza

SIG leadership, both in and out of character, exist make sure Brave Collective and our roleplay SIG are a positive part of everyone's story, no matter what.

You are more than welcome to contact any of the above with inquiries, issues, or anything else. SIG leadership are points of contact for anything related to Brave Collective roleplay, players, and anything else that may fall under the SIG. If you aren't sure who to contact or if it falls under our authority, we'll help you get in touch with whoever you need to.

  • public/alliance/sigs/brave-rp-sig.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/18 13:51
  • by Zeno Grey