
(PvP, Indy, Laid-Back, Community)

Therapy. It is an old corporation that has come back from retirement. Brought back to try and bring some community to corporations in a time of big corporations reign. Our focus is on quality, not numbers. Laid back corp that just wants to hang with people that want to play the game. We focus on all aspects of the game. From PvP, Indy, ratting, explo because the game offers so much so focusing on one thing is a waste of the experience. Therapy. is here for the enjoyment of the game. While the CEO does like to shoot things more than anything he will also help further goals of the members in any aspect to help everyone's gaming experience.

The corp has players from many different aspects of eve. We can support your progression or activity as a community. We focus on the corp community because we believe stong corps build stronger alliances.


PvP Industrial Small Gang FCing Mentoring Leadership Omega Community

Name Role Contact
Ironwulf CEO @Ironwulf (Slack) / In Game
Vile Verflucht Director @Vile Verflucht (Slack) / In Game

Is as easy as joining our discord and having a chat with us. With our low requirements, we just ask that you be down to work as a team and willing to take part in our community.

Minimum Requirements
  • Can fly one or more T2 frigates
  • Can fly one or more Alliance fleet doctrines to contribute toward goals and defense.
  • Omega clone state (on one account)

  • public/corps/therapy/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/04/11 03:38
  • by Zeno Grey