
Brave Empire maintains several structures for use by members of Brave United & Brave Collective. You can find a list of structures and their uses below.

Location Structure Name TypeUses
NourbalAmyt's NexusAstrahusClone Bay
KeberzEmpire ReforgedAzbelClone Bay, Manufacturing, Research Lab, Invention Lab
KeberzPlucky MackinawAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzFearless RetrieverAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzValorous ProcurerAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzCourageous VentureAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzHeroic OrcaAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzDaring HulkAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzSylvine BitumAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzSylzeolbitoriumAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzMax made me do itAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzSiO2AthanorMoon Drill
KeberzJacket's Home Away from HomeAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzZeolites PurityAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzJinxed It - RamiAthanorReprocessing(T1 rigs),Moon Drill
KeberzDarkside of the GooAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzCynfin's Moon MansionAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzHallucinator's Retirement FundAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzEmperor's RestAthanorMoon Drill
KeberzIt's Made of CheeseAthanorMoon Drill
TalidalTyrannee's Ice Palace - RAthanorReprocessing

Remember to be in Standing Fleet to take advantage of any boosts! Each system with moon mining in it will have at minimum one structure with reprocessing.

Upcoming moon pop times can easily be viewed at:

Check #brave-empire-pings on slack for notifications about it!

  • public/corps/brave-empire/infrastructure.txt
  • Last modified: 2025/03/16 15:03
  • by Nevarr Tivianne