Procurement Orders - Requester Guide
This page is a step-by-step guide to creating procurement orders via Brave Supply.
Viewing available orders
Navigate to the procurement dashboard on Brave Supply to view procurement orders that you've published or drafted. Orders that you've published or have access to edit will have Edit/Cancel buttons next to them instead of the Accept button.
You can view additional details for an order by clicking the order number:
Creating an order
To create an order, click the New order button at the top-right of the dashboard. Enter the following information for your order:
- Notes: Any extra information you would like to convey to the supplier.
- Requester: Who the order should be delivered to. If you do not have corporation or alliance order management roles, you will only see your own character's name. This is who the supplier who accepts your order will be prompted to create the item exchange contract for delivery to.
- Visibility: Who the order should be visible to. We recommend you select "Everyone" in most circumstances.
- Location: Where you would like the order delivered to. This is where the supplier who accepts your order will be prompted to create the item exchange contract for delivery.
- Due Date: When you would like the order by. This field is optional.
- Items: Select one or more items for your order by searching in the text box. The item editor will show the current Jita buy, sell, and split price to help you determine an appropriate unit price. The default unit price is the current Jita sell price of the item.
- Multiplier: The overall multiple of the subtotal to use for the order total (e.g. 125 to multiply the order's subtotal by 1.25). You can also mark up an order by simply adjusting the unit prices of the items in the order.
- Bonus: An amount of ISK to add to the subtotal as an additional bonus. Use this if you'd like to add additional ISK for anticipated freight fees or rush delivery.
Once you're satisfied with your order, you can publish it immediately by clicking the "Publish" button, or continue working on it later by clicking "Save as Draft".
Once you've accepted an order, you'll see it on the procurement dashboard in the In Progress section:
Cancelling an order
If you decide that you don't want an order anymore, you can cancel the order by clicking the pencil button next to the order on the dashboard or Edit Order button on the details page for the order. You will prompted to confirm whether you really want to change the order, as this will move the order back to draft status regardless of whether you end up making any changes to it.
Orders that have already been accepted by a supplier cannot be changed.
Cancelling an order
If you need to adjust an order, you can do so by clicking the X button next to the order on the dashboard or Cancel button on the details page for the order. You will prompted to confirm whether you really want to cancel the order.
Orders that have already been accepted by a supplier cannot be cancelled.
Receiving an order
Once a supplier has created an item exchange contract to you in order to fulfill an order, they will mark the order as delivered and you will see it in your orders awaiting confirmation:
After you've verified and accepted the contract in-game, confirm the order by clicking the "Confirm" button next to the order on the dashboard or on the details page for the order. You will be prompted to confirm whether you really want to confirm delivery of the order.