
Brave IT Services

The following services are available to you if you're a member of the Brave Collective or the HERO Coalition.

Centralized authentication program for verifying Alliance membership and authorizing almost all applications used by BRAVE.

See Brave Core

Voice system used for fleet and social communication. (similar to Teamspeak, Ventrillo, etc).

See Brave Collective Voice Comms for a setup tutorial.

The forums where you can chat and discuss various things happening in the Alliance

Get To The Forum From Here!

Chat system used to receive fleet pings and chat out of game.

Visit this page to get set up.

List of upcoming objectives which might lead to a stratop.
Fleet ping management site. Look up pings you missed and if applicable send new pings.

Visit the Ping and Timerboard Site

Live visualization of reported intel. Use it to stay informed about hostile movement.

Visit Brave Intel Map

You're on it right now! Check out the Formatting Syntax page for info on how to format edits.

Automated tool to browse available contracts for doctrine fitted ships.

Learn more about accessing Doctrine Ships

Tool to identify new players in local chat in order to recruit them.

This service is no more

Assists in setting up Courier Contracts for our Alliance Freighting service.

Visit the Freighting Site

Multiple reasons, each channel has its own use.

List of In-Game Channels

Listen to music from fellow HERO members, and dj for other HERO members!

Visit the PlugDJ Site

Calculate Jump Fatigue

Calculate Entosis Duration

  • public/alliance/it/services.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/09/11 06:08
  • by Tian Khamez