
I buy your high sec moon goo from anywhere.

Brave, or NPC stations only. If you are selling ore, it doesn't have to be compressed.

Please allow 48 hours for contracts to be accepted. Any rejected contracts will have an EVEmail follow up explain reasons why rejected.

All contracts over 2b need to be set for 7 days. there can be an additional 5 day acceptance delay.

Qualifying Items

High Sec Blue moon goo (either the ore or Blue Goo itself)

Standard Rate

effective February 21st rates will change from 100% Jita buy value for Ore to 90% Jita buy value for all Ore the blue goo is still at 100% Jita buy

Qualifying Locations

  • Anywhere in Khanid
  • Delve
  • Querious
  • Period Basis
  • Brave Empire HQ (Nikh)
  • (75% Jita Buy) Anywhere else in High Sec
Name Position Contact
Vancent Alcon Vynneve Buyer of Blue Moon Goo @sulmerrollard

Slack Channel: #vancents-buyback

  1. Use Janice to generate a quote for your Goo/ore
  2. Create a private contract to Vancent Alcon Vynneve with the Goo/ore
  3. Put the Jita Buy value from the Evepraisal in the "I will receive" field and put a link to the Evepraisal in the contract description
  4. Get paid :)

  • public/alliance/industry/buybacks/vancentshighsecgoo.txt
  • Last modified: 2025/02/14 05:33
  • by Vancent Alcon Vynneve