
Obsidian Logistical Services Logo, a dark gray castle on top of a black disc enclosed by a red beveled ring.

Qualifying Items

All Asteroid Ores, compressed or not

Standard Rate

90% Jita Buy

Qualifying Locations

  • All Pochven NPC stations (except Kino)
  • Ala - Veles Freeport
Name Position Contact
Walayden Obsidia Operator Slack: @Walayden Obsidia

Slack Channel: #obsidian

Get a quote

  1. From your inventory, select all the ore you want to sell, and CMD/CTRL+C to copy the list.
  2. Navigate to, and register if this is your first time.
  3. Select "Buyback Program" from the nav bar, then select "Use" on the row for Pochven Ore Buyback.
  4. Paste the list or items from the Eve client into the text box, and click "Calculate".
    • The calculator does the 90% of Jita Buy calculation for you without any extra clicks.
    • Keep this page up, as you'll copy and paste values from it into your contract.

Create a contract

  1. With the items still selected in your inventory, right click one of them and select "Create Contract".
  2. Create the contract using the settings specified on the website.

Pochven Import

  • DO6H-Q - Dunk's Bee Hive
  • C4C-Z4 - The Sanctuary Institute of Paleo
  • F-NMX6 - Mothership Bellicose
  • Jita 4 - Moon IV - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
  • Urhinichi IX - Svarog Clade Proving Complex


  • 5% of the collateral
  • 25 million ISK minimum

Pochven Export

  • Any Pochven NPC station (except Kino)
  • Ala - Veles Freeport
  • Jita 4 - Moon IV - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant


  • Max Collateral: 3 billion ISK
  • Max Volume: 63,900 m3
  • No assembled ships
Name Position Contact
Walayden Obsidia Operator Slack: @Walayden Obsidia

Slack Channel: #obsidian

  1. Navigate to, and register if this is your first time.
  2. Select "Freight" from the nav bar.
  3. Choose the appropriate route
    • Note that that all routes are one-way except Urhinichi ↔ Jita – All imports are delivered to Urhinichi, and all exports are delivered to Jita.
  4. Place the estimated value of your shipment in the "Collateral" field.
  5. Click the big green button that says "Click To Calculate Reward!"
  6. Create your contract using the details specified on the right.
    • 14 days expiration and 7 days to complete is recommended, but you are welcome to set whatever expiration and days to complete you wish.
    • For rush shipments, please reach out directly in-game or on Slack.

I had to pick a station in each system to make the app happy, so you might get a warning if you create a contract that is in a different station. Ignore any such warning. As long as you're in a supported system, you're all good.

  • public/alliance/industry/buybacks/obsidian_logistical_services.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/11/02 15:18
  • by Aernir Ridley