
This is an old revision of the document!

Refined & Specialised Planetary Materials Buyback Service

I retain the right to reject contracts if Jita Buy value is out of whack due to market shenanigans or, you know, "reasons"

Qualifying Items

P3 Planetary Interaction Materials
P2 Planetary Interaction Materials

Standard Rate

94% Jita Buy for P3
84% Jita Buy for P2
Reduced Rates for Outlying Systems

Rates & Qualifying Locations

P3 - 94% Jita Buy, P2 - %84 Jita Buy
*Q-5211 Shipyard - Azbel
*M-YCD4 - Second to None - Astrahaus
*CR-AQH - CRAQ HOUSE - Astrahaus
*R-2R0G - R-2D2 - Astrahaus
*F-NMX6 - Friday Night Magic - Athanor

P3 - 92% Jita Buy, P2 - %82 Jita Buy
*XQ-PXU - Be A Goldfish Athanor
*G-M4I8 - Good Move - Athanor
*ZKYV-W - Involves Bubble Bounce House - Athanor

91% Jita Buy, P2 - %81 Jita Buy
*D2-HOS - Krab Zone - Fortizar

Name Position Contact
Bramble Dax Buyback Operator Slack: @Bramble Dax

Slack Channel: DM Bramble Dax on Slack

  1. Go to your inventory, copy and paste either the P3 or P2 into
  2. Please do not mix P3 and P2 in the same contract
  3. Go to settings and change the price percentage to number appropriate for location
  4. Create a contract to Dax Industrial Enterprises with the buy value listed in Evepraisal in the "I will receive" box and the Evepraisal reference in the description
  5. Get Isk

  • public/alliance/industry/buybacks/bramble_s_buyback.1654488705.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/06/06 04:11
  • by Zeno Grey