
This is an old revision of the document!

Brave Dojo

<WRAP group> <WRAP half column> Resources </WRAP>

<WRAP half column> [The Brave Dojo is an alliance-level initiative that is managed by Brave Education and is dedicated to helping players who are new to EVE Online.  ] </WRAP> </WRAP>

We gladly take donations of either ISK or Ships, Modules, etc.

  • For ISK, please donate it to the character Brave Dojo. Please make sure that the character is in The Brave Dojo corporation before donating.
  • For Items, you can drop them in the Brave Dojo hangar in the corporation hangars section if you are a BNI member or contract it to the Dojo Corp (make sure it is the correct one (it has to be a member of the Brave Collective)

To join the Dojo, you have to be a member of the Brave Collective.

Join the in-game chat channel Brave Dojo. </WRAP>

  • public/dojo/start.1438446764.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/08/01 16:32
  • by Hadrian Bridgeman