A Very Basic Guide To Selling Your BPCs
The purpose of this guide is to give an idea of how to sell the random BPCs you find while out exploring and during manufacturing.
What are Blueprints?
Blueprints are instructions on how to manufacture items. Many of the modules, ships and different types of ammo you use in the game are made by other players through the use of Blueprints. There are 2 different types of blueprints, Originals (BPOs) and Copies (BPCs). Here's a quick run down of their different characteristics:
- Have unlimited runs
- T1 Meta 0 BPOs can be found on the market being sold by NPCs
- Can be researched to improve their manufacturing efficiency
- They can also be purchased and resold on the market by other players so long as they haven't been researched.
- T2 BPOs exist but are very rare and expensive. They used to be distributed through a lottery system but CCP deemed this to be unfair and changed the mechanic to something called "Invention" instead which only produces limited run BPCs instead of BPOs.
- Can be copied to produce BPCs
If you would like to learn more about blueprints and manufacturing, you can check out our basics on manufacturing.
Figuring out your BPC's value
As you have just learnt, you can only sell BPCs through contracts. Before putting up a contract however, it is a good idea to find out how much a BPC is potentially worth as that could give you a rough idea of how willing people might be to buy your BPC at a certain price. The other thing you should know is that many of the BPCs you find on your travels are worth very little, but there are a couple that are worth a decent amount. A good example would be a Small Ancillary Armor Repairer BPC.
So how do you find out how much a BPC is worth? It's actually really simple, all you have to do is head over to Fuzzwork and enter the name of your BPC. In this case I'll be using the Small Ancillary Armor Repairer BPC as an example.
Open the picture and you will see that the MAXIMUM profit (I had it set to perfect skills and no tax) that a manufacturer can expect to make from the BPC is 789,521.25 ISK per module (Sell Price - Material Price - Installation Cost). A BPC with 25 runs could thus earn ta manufacturer a profit of about 19.7mil total, a BPC with 50 runs would earn them close to 40mil. Now, what you must understand is that the people looking to buy this BPC are looking to make a profit, therefore they will not want to buy your BPC if you set the price at these values. You are going to have to sell it at a lower price than that for them to think it is worth it to buy the BPC and then manufacture and sell the products!
Deciding what price to sell at
If you right click your BPC and click on find in contracts you will see contracts that others have put up that contain that BPC. You can usually use this window to get an idea of the current market price of the BPC and then set your own price accordingly. When comparing prices, it's important to make sure that your BPC has the same or similar runs and research efficiency as the BPC you are comparing it to. You will also find overpriced contracts where the price of the BPC is higher than the profit one can expect to make, you do not want to set your prices based on these. Well, unless if you're looking to scam and don't mind waiting till some poor sod accidentally accepts your contract, in which case go on right ahead. (Do not put up these contracts in Querious though, scamming blues ain't cool)
Where to sell your BPCs
Personally I used to ship my BPCs to a trade hub along with other things I was looking to sell there. They do not take up much space so hauling costs aren't really affected, you can even stuff them all into a travel interceptor and fly them there yourself!
If you do not want to fly or ship them to a trade hub, it's also alright to try selling them in Querious. There are bound to be bros looking to buy BPCs so they can manufacture stuff to sell!
I hope this guide has helped you learn more about blueprints and how to sell them! If you're interested in manufacturing items using your blueprints I once again highly recommend you check out our basics on manufacturing. Some of these blueprints may not be worth much but those like the SAAR BPC can be worth an amount that is not insignificant for a newbro (like up to 30 atrons!) and some even rarer ones could potentially be worth hundreds of millions of ISK!
Thanks for reading and fly dangerously!