Table of Contents

Brave Industry

What Does Brave Industry Do?

Brave Industry is responsible for the management of all alliance-level industrial operations. We coordinate closely with Brave Logistics to organize alliance-level industrial operations in such a manner that we are best able to support alliance-level military campaign objectives.

How Can I Join Brave Industry?

Brave Industry isn't an individual corp but rather a concerted effort among various indy groups and players within the Alliance. Join the channel #indybros-public and #marketplace on Slack.
If you're interested in having your own industry alt corporation inside Brave, see Brave United - Alt Alliance Rules.

Who Manages Brave Industry?

Name Position Slack
Cond0mBurst Director @cond0mburst
Indybro Assistant Director @Indybro

Capital Industry (aka RORQUALS)

Do you like mining? I mean, do you really like mining? Then this might be the place for you!

Introduction to Rorquals