==== Description ====
Need some quick isk, have some ore in a station at the deepest reaches of regions, taken with little ask where it came from.
=== Qualifying Items ===
Almost Everything\\
No P0-P1\\
No Stront/Heavy Water\\
No Ships\\
=== Standard Rate ===
**92% Value for everything**
=== Qualifying Locations ===
Any Blue station in\\
**Period Basis**\\
**__Khanid Constellations__**\\
==== Contact Information ====
^ Name ^ Position ^ Contact ^
| [[https://wiki.bravecollective.com/user/leis_aisus |Leis Aisus]] | Buyback Op | Slack: @Leis Aisus |
==== Instructions ====
- Add everything to a Goonpraisal assessment (Change link to Jita) (Janice can work)
- Create a contract to the "Astral Corpse Collective"
- Place the Appraisal links into description
- Temporary Contract excess that exceeds 1B will be ignored *More then one contract can be made*