Are too many of your ships blowing up?
Do you need a reliable way to pay for all that awesome content in BNI?
Let's be fair – to have fun, you need ISK. You need to buy a ship before it can blow up in a glorious fireball! So how do we make ISK, you ask? Tried some things, but don't really know how to make some space money? Well, this is a problem we've all gone through as new players.
Enter The Dojo! Now introducing the Vexor Newbro Edition (VNE) Initiative. To get our Newbros setup with ISK in their wallet, we have shipped Newbro friendly Vexors across space to various ratting areas. No more wondering what will or will not work, no more wondering how to get the ship to the right spot. We have done it all for you!
You'll probably start off making around 4-6 million isk/tick (every 20 minutes) using this fit, assuming a 100% Bounty Risk Modifier. However by improving your skills and upgrading your fit and drones a bit you should be able to increase that to around 8-10 million isk/tick.
The Vexor Newbro Edition
Gallente T1 Cruiser
Free From The Dojo! Low Skills
The Ratting Myrmidon
Gallente T1 Battlecruiser
~80 Million ISK Low Skills
The Ratting Gila
Guristas Faction Cruiser
~390 Million ISK Low Skills
The Isktar
Gallente Heavy Assault Cruiser
~225 Million ISK Medium Skills
Ratting Marauders
Caldari / Gallente Marauders
1 - 2 Billion ISK High Skills
Ratting Carriers
Minmatar Carrier
3 - 4 Billion ISK Capital Skills
Ratting Supers
Minmatar Supercarrier
38 - 42 Billion ISK Capital Skills
If you don't have capacitor stability, you will need to manually manage your armor repairer!
[Vexor, Vexor Newbro Edition - Blood Raiders] Medium I-a Enduring Armor Repairer Reactive Armor Hardener AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier 100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner Medium Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I [Empty High slot] [Empty High slot] Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I Acolyte I x3 Acolyte I x1 Infiltrator I x1 Infiltrator I x2 Praetor I x1 Praetor I x2
Energy Grid Upgrades II Energy Grid Upgrades III Fuel Conservation I Fuel Conservation II Fuel Conservation III Repair Systems II Repair Systems III Gallente Frigate I Gallente Frigate II Gallente Frigate III Gallente Destroyer I Gallente Destroyer II Gallente Destroyer III Gallente Cruiser I Gallente Cruiser II Gallente Cruiser III Drone Avionics II Drone Avionics III Light Drone Operation I Light Drone Operation II Light Drone Operation III Drones II Drones III Medium Drone Operation I Medium Drone Operation II Medium Drone Operation III Drones IV Drones V Heavy Drone Operation I Heavy Drone Operation II Heavy Drone Operation III Drone Interfacing I Drone Interfacing II Drone Interfacing III
1. Energy Grid Upgrades II (1 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds) 2. Energy Grid Upgrades III (7 hours, 19 minutes, 2 seconds) 3. Fuel Conservation I (16 minutes, 40 seconds) 4. Fuel Conservation II (1 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds) 5. Fuel Conservation III (7 hours, 19 minutes, 2 seconds) 6. Repair Systems II (38 minutes, 50 seconds) 7. Repair Systems III (3 hours, 39 minutes, 30 seconds) 8. Gallente Frigate I (16 minutes, 40 seconds) 9. Gallente Frigate II (1 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds) 10. Gallente Frigate III (7 hours, 19 minutes, 2 seconds) 11. Gallente Destroyer I (16 minutes, 40 seconds) 12. Gallente Destroyer II (1 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds) 13. Gallente Destroyer III (7 hours, 19 minutes, 2 seconds) 14. Gallente Cruiser I (41 minutes, 40 seconds) 15. Gallente Cruiser II (3 hours, 14 minutes, 4 seconds) 16. Gallente Cruiser III (18 hours, 17 minutes, 35 seconds) 17. Drone Avionics II (38 minutes, 50 seconds) 18. Drone Avionics III (3 hours, 39 minutes, 30 seconds) 19. Light Drone Operation I (8 minutes, 20 seconds) 20. Light Drone Operation II (38 minutes, 50 seconds) 21. Light Drone Operation III (3 hours, 39 minutes, 30 seconds) 22. Drones II (38 minutes, 50 seconds) 23. Drones III (3 hours, 39 minutes, 30 seconds) 24. Medium Drone Operation I (16 minutes, 40 seconds) 25. Medium Drone Operation II (1 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds) 26. Medium Drone Operation III (7 hours, 19 minutes, 2 seconds) 27. Drones IV (20 hours, 41 minutes, 49 seconds) 28. Drones V (4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds) 29. Heavy Drone Operation I (41 minutes, 40 seconds) 30. Heavy Drone Operation II (3 hours, 14 minutes, 4 seconds) 31. Heavy Drone Operation III (18 hours, 17 minutes, 35 seconds) 32. Drone Interfacing I (41 minutes, 40 seconds) 33. Drone Interfacing II (3 hours, 14 minutes, 4 seconds) 34. Drone Interfacing III (18 hours, 17 minutes, 35 seconds) Total time: 11 days, 2 hours, 6 minutes
ALPHA As an alpha you may not be able to train Fuel Conservation, but you can still fly the Vexor. You just need to be careful with how much you use your armor repairer. Remember that you can always interrupt your ratting to return to station, repair, and then come back. (Don't forget to bookmark before warping away!)
Alternatively, Alpha cap-stable shield Vexor fits can be found here.
The Brave Dojo offers free VNEs (Vexor Newbro Edition) to new players in our home staging E3OI-U - Mothership Bellicose! All you need to do is complete the short Skillplan above and complete the form linked below.
After you apply, we'll explain how to use your shiny new Vexor and avoid getting it blown up. Make sure to listen carefully! Nullsec can be a dangerous place, and we want your ship to have a long and profitable life.
Simply request another using the same form you used to get the original one! The one-ship-per-character limit on VNEs has recently been lifted, so there's less stress for you if your ship goes boom!
We may be a bit disappointed that you didn't heed our advice, but at the end of the day the Dojo's goal is to help you improve and Be Brave!
Give the Introduction to Ratting page a read to avoid common mistakes and get some background knowledge.
Put local chat in its own window, and try to make it tall enough to see everyone in it.
Make sure to always be keeping an eye on it! If you see anything in local that doesn't have a Purple, Green, or Blue icon, follow the instructions below to warp off to a citadel.
Using the D-Scan window, you can see a list of every uncloaked ship within 14.3 AU of you. Running a quick scan every minute or two greatly increases your chances of knowing when an enemy is coming, both by giving you some early warning and getting you into the habit of keeping an eye on things.
If you see a ship that looks suspicious, decrease the D-Scan range to 0.1 AU. If the ship shows up in that range, follow the instructions below to warp off to a citadel.
Your Armor Repairer, Reactive Armor Hardener, and Afterburner should always be active while you're in a site.
While a full list of tried-and-tested sites can be found below, we highly recommend running Blood Raider Forsaken Rally Points, as these give you good ISK while not being too difficult to run.
Your ideal drone loadout is 2 Praetors, 2 Infiltrators, and 1 Acolyte.
Kill Order: Frigates → Destroyers → Cruisers → Battlecruisers → Battleships
Some sites require special attention due to a particularly nasty wave or unusual mechanics.
The sites in this list have been tested and determined to be runnable using the above fit. It is not necessarily comprehensive, and some sites may require special attention which will be noted in the section above.
The Vexor is not an exceptionally tanky ship, especially when fitted for ratting. Your goal should be to get to a safe structure before hostiles have a chance to land and tackle you.
If a hostile ship appears on grid, ensure your afterburner is off or turning off and immediately hit warp.