Table of Contents

These are not easy pages to set up. Keep an eye out for text inside of comment markers like so:

This is a comment

These will guide you in setting up some of the more complicated parts of this template.

Doctrine Name Here

Doctrine Name Here
DPS Ship Class Here

Ship Fits and Details

DPS Ship(s) Here

Ship Name Here Fittings

Support Role Here

Brief description of the role.

Ship Name Here Fittings
Logi Minimal SP ALPHA
Ship Name Here Fittings
Logi Minimal SP ALPHA

Other Ships You Can Use

Secondary Support Role Here

Brief description of the role.

Ship Name Here Fittings
EWAR Medium SP
Ship Name Here Fittings
EWAR Medium SP

How to Fly

Brief instructions on how to fly here.

How to FC

Brief instructions on how to FC here.