The first room has a fair amount of ships. You need to kill all the ships on grid (excluding towers) before you activate the acceleration gate. It's recommended to MJD directly upwards to avoid most of the DPS. You'll find that a few stray frigates spawn as the room progresses.
Cruise Missile Batteries - 8 Stasis Towers - 9 Battleships - 13 (Corpus Harbinger and Dark Corpus Harbinger have energy neutralizers) Battlecruisers - 5 Destroyers - 5 Frigates - 8
This second room is much smaller. Kill the stasis towers before anything else to avoid a large amount of frigates spawning on you. Then finish off the rest of the room to proceed.
Stasis Towers - 2 Battleships - 8 (Corpus Harbinger has energy neutralizers) Cruisers - 3
This final room contains the only Overseer Structure in the site. Kill the Blood Raider Fleet Stronghold to finish the site. It has a chance of dropping Dark Blood and Corpus X-Type modules, along with a 1 run Bhaalgorn BPC. Once the structure's been destroyed, you can bookmark the cargo container, drop an MTU, or finish the remaining rats altogether.
The Fleet Stronghold fires missiles every 30 seconds, dealing 535,000 EM damage with the equivalent application of XL Torpedos. This equates to about 30,000 pre-resist damage volleys against a webbed-down battleship, and potentially double that if you're unlucky enough to receive a hit with your MJD on.
Blood Raider Fleet Stronghold (~300 DPS required to break) Sentry Guns - 5 Point Defense Batteries - 3 Cruise Missile Batteries - 4 Stasis Towers - 12 Battleships - 20 (Dark Corpus Archbishops have energy neutralizers) Battlecruisers - 10 Cruisers - 5 Destroyers - 4 Frigates - 11
Effects Tier | Approximate Value |
23rd | 134,000,000.00 ISK |
Ship Class | Ship Size | Approximate Ship Value |
Bhaalgorn | Battleship | 630,000,000.00 ISK |
Deadspace Subset | Deadspace Level | Armor/Shield |
Corpus | X-Type | Armor |
Faction Subset | Module Size | Armor/Shield |
Dark Blood | Battleship | Armor |