Table of Contents

Blood Raider Shielded Starbase

This is the Blood Raider's Shielded Starbase Escalation. It begins with a facsimile of a POS, with the "POS Guns" being comprised of various damage and EWAR sentries. The Tower itself doesn't appear until a separate "Forcefield" object is destroyed. As the Forcefield and Tower are attacked, waves of subcapitals will spawn to defend it. The Tower has a 75,000,000 ISK Bounty, and a 23rd Tier OPE can be found within its wreck. Once the Tower is destroyed, the site is considered completed. This site is NEVER safe for subcapitals to land on. The towers will quickly target and destroy even frigates or interceptors.

This site is known to cause extreme lag for some players. It is highly recommended to have your hardeners running before landing on grid.

The Energy Neutralizer Sentries will quickly bring you down below Jump Cap, and may threaten your tank if you linger for too long!

A Smartbomb is REQUIRED to escape this site in a dreadnought. It contains several tackle frigates, and you won't be able to safely get a subcapital on grid to destroy them.

Blood Raiders - Shielded Starbase

Ship Breakdown

Initial Spawn

Initial Spawn


Blood Heavy Missile battery - 4
Blood Light Missile Battery - 8
Tower Sentry Bloodraider III - 12
Blood Energy Neutralizer Sentry III - 4
Blood Stasis Tower - 4

First Reinforcement Wave

First Reinforcement Ships

Spawns at 75% Forcefield Shield (?)
Battlecruisers - 3
Frigates - 4

Second Reinforcement Wave

Second Reinforcement Ships

Spawns at 50% Forcefield Shield (?)
Battleships - 4
Cruisers - 3
Frigates - 7

Third Reinforcement Wave

Third Reinforcement Ships

Spawns When Forcefield is Destroyed (?)
Pirate Blood Tower

Battleships - 2
Frigates - 1

Fourth Reinforcement Wave

Fourth Reinforcement Ships

Spawns When Tower is Attacked (?)
Battleships - 4
Cruisers - 10
Frigates - 7