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While the storytelling might never challenge the likes of The Witcher or Skyrim, just like every other MMO EVE Online contains NPC quests. Agents of the multifarious NPC corporations live in New Eden's network of stations, and offer missions of increasing difficulty and reward, from level 1 up to level 5. Depending on the type of mission running you enter into, you might find yourself mining, moving livestock or prisoners, rescuing captives, or shooting pirates – all for rewards that can be spent in the NPC corporation's "Loyalty Point Store", the source for all faction items.

How To Do It

There are plenty of missions to be done nearby - to find them, open the Agent Finder tool via your Neocom: go to Activies > The Agency > Agents & Missions > Agent Finder. The Emperor Family has agents in several nearby systems of all levels, including Level 4 missions in our home system of Khanid Prime; just filter the Agent Finder by Faction "Khanid Kingdom" and then Corp either "Khanid Transport", "Khanid Innovation", or "Khanid Works".

For those new to running missions, Empire encourages you to try forming a mission fleet. Many members have high standings with multiple factions and can pull level 4 missions to help with standings. Feel free to ask in corp chat or in the #brave-empire channel on slack if anyone is interested. As with all activities, if you'd like to do it with friends, ping it! All members can ping fleets in #brave-empire-pings on Slack – yes, even if you've never done it before!

For those daring enough to take out a mission fleet, the corp has several loaner Gnosis and Praxis ships that are equipped to handle level 4 missions and can be loaned to members. Ask an Empire Mentor on a fleet for details!

Where To Do It

There are agents all over New Eden, so it's up to you how far you want to roam. Remember you'll need to visit an LP Store to spend your Loyalty Points. Also keep in mind that some missions can negatively affect standings with other factions in EVE which can affect what missions are available to you elsewhere.
