Import your high value, low volume items for cheap with Blops Import!
Blops Import is a service provided by independent Black Ops battleship pilots who will bridge your Blockade Runner from High Sec to Null Sec. Each Black Ops Pilot is free to set their own price for the bridges, but most operate at just fuel cost.
As always, not everyone in Eve can be trusted. Anyone in the #blops-import channel can offer to provide a bridge. Bridgers are not vetted. It is your own responsibility to confirm the trustworthiness of your bridger before undocking! Losses inflicted by you being bridged into hostile territory instead of your intended destination are not eligible for SRP!
You have to fly your own Blockade Runner (Crane, Prorator, Prowler or Viator).
Your Black Ops pilot may charge different rates.
Name | Position | Contact |
Rael Armansky | BNI Indy Boss | Slack: @Rael Armansky |
Slack Channel: #blops-import