Table of Contents

🔥 Last Sol Fire Buyback 🔥

Your Premier Buyback Service in Delve and Querious!

Description and Eligibility

Last Sol Fire offers a top-tier buyback service for capsuleers in Delve and Querious. We provide competitive rates and lightning-fast service for all your item selling needs!

🔥 Launch Last Sol Fire Buyback Site 🔥

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Qualifying Items

Nearly all items! From modules to ships, we buy it all!

Note: We do not accept rigged ships or used crystals. As such contracts for the above listed items will be rejected.

Standard Rate

Up to 95% Jita Buy Value Maximize your profits with us!

Qualifying Locations

Brave structures in K7D-II -Querious

Brave structures in E3OI-U -Delve

We will be expanding locations in the coming weeks.

Contact Information

Name Position Contact
Jack Browncoat Manager Slack: @Jack_Browncoat
FireStarter Aideron Manager Slack: @FireStarter_Aideron

Slack Channel: #last-sol-fire


  1. Copy/paste your item list into the appraisal tool
  2. Select the system where items are located
  3. Click "Appraise" to see item values
  4. Copy the provided contract code
  5. Create an in-game contract to "Last Sol Fire"
  6. Paste the quote number in the contract's comment section