You have to open this template in the "show pagesource" view for it to make sense!
====User Page Template====
Feel free to change the text color as you see fit by changing the 'type' arguments. These are your options:
* **muted**
* **primary**
* **success**
* **info**
* **warning**
* **danger**
---->Copy Everything Below This Line<----
=== [Corp Ticker] Your Name Here ===
__**Alliance & Corp Positions**__
* Position 1
* Position 2
* Etc.
__**Contact Info**__
**In-game:** Your Name Here
**Discord:** Your Discord ID Here
**Slack:** Your Slack Username Here
**Time-Zone:** Your Timezone Here
Feel free to customize this half of the screen to your liking, or even leave it blank if you see fit.