====== Ship Basics ====== This guide will cover the 7((according to in-game fitting tool)) main ship stat categories, common shorthand for them along with their interfaces. ((you can also hover over these for more info)) {{INLINETOC 2-4}} ===== Capacitor ===== Capacitor is used to power most modules, and if too little is available to power a module it will turn off((this does not mean offline, which refers to a module being completely unusable)). Capacitor recharges over time, this rate is increased or decreased based on the current percentage of the capacitor, peaking at between 20-35% and rapidly falling off outside of those values((cap recharge alone could take its own entire section, for more reading see [[https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Capacitor#Capacitor_recharge_rate|here]])) === Stats === {{https://imgur.com/tdYvPrQ.png?405x154}} -Excess Recharge(percentage): The amount in percentage you are recharging or losing per second. -**Depletion time: The amount of time your capacitor will run out, will display "stable" if all modules can be run forever.** -Capacitor Recharge: The amount of capacitor you are regenerating per second. -Total Capacitor: The max amount of capacitor you can have. -Stable at: The percentage of capacitor at which you are stable can be hovered over to see the exact percentage, will be empty if at or below 0%. -Excess Recharge: The amount you are recharging or losing per second. === Shorthand === *Cap: Simply a shortened version of capacitor. *Dry: Completely out of capacitor. *Capped out: Completely out of capacitor. ===== Hit Points ===== Effective Hit Points(From here on EHP) is the main stat when regarding hit points, there is a massive amount of complexity involved but for this guide, will only be explaining the very basics. EHP is hit points plus resistances, there is 4 different resistances each resisting 1 type of damage, shield, armor, and hull all have their own resists. EHP is most commonly measured assuming all 4 types of damage are split evenly, this is called omni damage, it is also normally used as total EHP, which is all 3 combined, but it will sometimes be referred by just 1(this should always be specificized. === Stats === {{https://imgur.com/AhSGMBk.png?416x224}} -**Resistances: Each row is a type, from the top armor-shield-hull, and each column is a resist type, from the left EM, Thermal, Kinetic, Explosive.** -**Total EHP: This is your total health assuming omni damage.** -This column is Explosive Resists. -This column is Kinetic Resists. -This column is Thermal Resists. -This column is EM Resists. -Passive Shield regen: This is the amount of shield you regenerate per second in raw shield HP. -Raw Shield HP and regen time: On top is the amount of raw shield HP you have, and on the bottom is the number of seconds needed to fully regen shields from 0. -Raw Armor HP: The amount of of raw armor HP you have. -Raw Hull HP: The amount of raw hull HP you have. === Shorthand === *Resists: A shortened version of resistances. *Raw: HP without accounting for resists. *Tank: Often used to refer to how much health a ship has. ===== Targeting ===== Targeting is how you lock ships, and is quite simple((at most levels, there is an extreme level of complexity at higher levels, but we can safely ignore that)). Targeting speed can be simplified to the following((in reality locking speed is determined by 2 stats but it can be quite complex and pretty much follows the following idea)): locking ships smaller then you will be slower, locking ships the same size will be normal speed, locking ships larger then you will be faster. === Stats === {{https://imgur.com/dQLPU5B.png?424x146}} -**Targeting range: The range your ship can lock targets.** -Scan resolution: The stat that is used to calculate how fast your ship locks. -Max locked targets: The maximum number of things your ship can lock at once. -Sensor strength: your protection against your locks being broken by ECM modules. -Signature: The "size" of your ship, a lower sig means your ship will be locked slower, and will be harder to hit with weapons. === Shorthand === *Scan res: Short for scan resolution. *Sig: Short for signature ===== Maneuver ===== Ship speed and align time((Acceleration to 75%)). Eve treats ships as spheres with vectors, what this means in practice is that the direction your ship is pointing does not matter, only the direction you are moving matters. === Stats === {{https://imgur.com/DOwdjAE.png?470x153}} -**Ship Speed: How fast your ship is.** -Inertia Modifier: The stat that determines your ship's acceleration, Higher is better -**Align time: This is your ship's acceleration, the displayed number is how fast you reach 75% speed.** -Mass: Only relevant for wormholes, simply how heavy your ship is. -Warp speed: Exactly what it says, it's how fast your ship warps, displayed in AU/s === Shorthand === ===== Drones ===== The main drone stat for ships((all other important stats are on the drones themselves)) is bandwidth, which determines how many and what drone sizes you can use. Each drone size takes a different amount of bandwidth, with light drones taking 5 bandwidth per drone, medium drones taking 10, and heavy and sentry drones taking 25, you can also only have a max of 5 drones regardless if you have bandwidth left. The other important stat is control range, you can only order drones to attack targets within this range, they will however attack targets that fly out of this range if they were already attacking it, this stat is determined by skills((Drone Avionics and Advanced Drone Avionics)). === Stats === {{https://imgur.com/11ZaVp9.png?451x134}} -Drone DPS: How much dps(damage per second) your drones do. -Drone Control Range: The range at which you can give your drone's orders. -**Drone bandwidth: The amount of bandwidth you can use, each drone costs a certain amount to use, and you can use up to a max of 5 regardless of bandwidth.** -Active Drones: The amount of drones you have currently active. === Shorthand === *Flight: Using all your possible drones. ===== Fitting Stats ===== There are 2 main stats, power grid and CPU, and 1 secondary, rig calibration. The vast majority of modules take both CPU and power((a handful only take 1 of them)), generally taking 1 more than the other, if there is not enough remaining to online a module, it will fail and be unusable until you get more(There is a large number of ways to get more, from mods that increase it, to skills that reduce costs or increase the amount you have)). The same also applies to rig calibration, except for mods, it's only for rigs, and there is no way to increase it or decrease cost. === Stats === {{https://imgur.com/C9w0DB5.png?200x200}} {{https://imgur.com/zVQ3xZS.png?200x200}} ***CPU: On the left is how much you have remaining, the right is the total amount.** ***Power grid: On the left is how much you have remaining, the right is the total amount.** *Rig Calibration: On the left is how much you have remaining, the right is the total amount. === Shorthand === *Fitting room: The amount of power grid and CPU you have, normally referencing if it's good or bad, or how much is left. {{tag> General Intro English Guide}}