====== Blood Raider Shielded Starbase ======
This is the Blood Raider's Shielded Starbase Escalation. It begins with a facsimile of a POS, with the "POS Guns" being comprised of various damage and EWAR sentries. The Tower itself doesn't appear until a separate "Forcefield" object is destroyed. As the Forcefield and Tower are attacked, waves of subcapitals will spawn to defend it. The Tower has a 75,000,000 ISK Bounty, and a 23rd Tier OPE can be found within its wreck. Once the Tower is destroyed, the site is considered completed. **This site is NEVER safe for subcapitals to land on. The towers will quickly target and destroy even frigates or interceptors.**
**This site is known to cause extreme lag for some players. It is highly recommended to have your hardeners running before landing on grid.**
**The Energy Neutralizer Sentries will quickly bring you down below Jump Cap, and may threaten your tank if you linger for too long!**
**A Smartbomb is REQUIRED to escape this site in a dreadnought. It contains several tackle frigates, and you won't be able to safely get a subcapital on grid to destroy them.**
{{ https://images.evetech.net/corporations/500012/logo?size=128&.png? }}
/*The number after /corporations/ should be the FACTION ID of the pirate faction in question.*/
**Blood Raiders - Shielded Starbase**
===== Ship Breakdown =====
==== Initial Spawn ====
Blood Heavy Missile battery - 4
Blood Light Missile Battery - 8
Tower Sentry Bloodraider III - 12
Blood Energy Neutralizer Sentry III - 4
Blood Stasis Tower - 4
==== First Reinforcement Wave ====
Battlecruisers - 3
Frigates - 4
==== Second Reinforcement Wave ====
Battleships - 4
Cruisers - 3
Frigates - 7
==== Third Reinforcement Wave ====
Pirate Blood Tower
Battleships - 2
Frigates - 1
==== Fourth Reinforcement Wave ====
Battleships - 4
Cruisers - 10
Frigates - 7