====== Acronyms​ ======
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===== Modules =====
=== A - I ===
* AAR: Ancillary Armor Repairer
* AB: Afterburner.
* AC: Autocannon
* ADM: Activity Defense Multiplier
* ACR: Ancillary Current Router
* ASB: Ancillary Shield Booster
* BCS (or BCU): Ballistic Control System.
* CPR: Capacitor Power Relay
* Cyno: Cynosural Field
* DCU: Damage Control Unit
* DD: Doomsday
* DDA: Drone Damage Amplifier
* ECM: Electronic Countermeasures (jams)
* Gyro: Gyrostabilizer
* HAM: Heavy Assault Missiles
* IStab: Inertial Stabilizers
* Invuln: Invulnerability Field.
=== J - R ===
* Jammer: One of the ECM modules.
* LML: Light Missiles Launcher
* LSB: Large Shield Booster
* LSE: Large Shield Extender
* MFS: Magnetic Field Stabilizer
* MJD: Micro Jump Drive
* MSE: Medium Shield Extender
* MWD: Microwarp Drive.
* Mag Stab: Magnetic Field Stabilizer
* Multispec: ECM - Multispectral Jammer.
* NPC: Non-Player Character
* Nano: Nanofiber Internal Structure
* Neut: Energy Neutralizer
* Nos: Nosferatu.
* PDS (or PDU): Power Diagnostic System.
* PDS: Point Defense System
* Painter: Target Painter
* Point: A warp disruptor or warp scrambler
* Prop Mod: Propulsion Mod
* RCU: Reactor Control Unit.
* RHML: Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
* RLML: Rapid Light Missile Launcher
* Racial Jammer: Any of the other kinds of ECM modules.
* Repper (or just rep, or rarely AR): Armor/Shield Repairer (size usually indicated).
=== S - Z ===
* SAAR: Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
* SAR: Small Amor Repairer
* SB (or booster): Shield booster (size usually indicated).
* SB: Can also mean Smartbomb.
* SB: Smart Bomb
* SSE: Small Shield Extender
* Scram: Warp scrambler.
* Seebo: Sensor Booster
* Stab: Inertia Stabilizer.
* Stab: Warp Core Stabilizer
* TC: Tracking Computer
* TD: Tracking Disruptor
* TL: Tracking Link
* TP: Target Painter
* WCS: Warp Core Stabilizer.
* Webb: Stasis Webifier.
===== Symbols =====
* o/: Wave
* o7: Salute
* 7o: Brave Newbies salute
* 0.0: Nullsec
* x: "X"ing up for something, volunteering yourself
* QQ: Crying
* WW: Warp to me
===== Terms =====
=== A - I ===
* AAR: After Action Report
* AFK: Away From Keyboard
* AU: Astronomical Unit (unit of distance)
* Aggro/Aggro Timer: Aggression/Aggression Timer
* Alt: Alternate character
* Anom: Anomaly
* Arty: Artillery
* Awox: Friendly Fire. Made famous by the guy named Awox who would kill friendly ships
* BPC: Blueprint Copy
* BPO: Blueprint Original
* Blue: A pilot, corporation, or alliance with positive standings
* Boosh: Using a Micro Jump Field Generator to jump up to 25 ships 100km forward
* Booster: Attribute Boosters
* CPU: Central Processing Unit
* CSM: Council of Stellar Management
* CTA: Call To Arms
* Cap: Capacitor
* Concordokken: Destruction of a ship by CONCORD
* Convo: In-game direct conversation
* Corp: Corporation
* DPS: Damage Per Second
* DT: Server Downtime
* Dscan: Directional Scanner
* EHP: Effective Hit Points
* EM: Electromagnetic
* ESS: Encounter Surveillance System
* Ewar: Electronic Warfare
* FC: Fleet Commander
* FW: Faction Warfare
* GSC: Giant Secure Container
* Gf: Good fight
* HP: Hit Points
* HiSec: High Security Space
* IRL: In Real Life
* ISK: Inter Stellar Kredits (in game currency)
* Indy: Industry
* Injector: Skill Injector
=== J - R ===
* J Space: Wormholes
* JC: Jump Clone
* K Space: Known Space
* Kin: Kinetic
* Krab/Krabbing: Someone who's focusing on making money.
* LP: Loyalty Points
* LowSec: Low Security Space
* MTU: Mobile Tractor Unit
* Mods: Modules
* NBSI: Not Blue Shoot It
* NPSI: Not Purple Shoot It
* NV: No Visual
* Null/Nullsec: Null Security Space (0.0)
* OMW: On My Way
* Op: Operation
* Opsec: Operational Security
* Ozone: Liquid Ozone, LO
* PDS: Point Defense System
* PG: Powergrid
* PLEX: Pilots License Extension
* POCO: Player Owned Customs Office
* POS: Player Owned Starbase
* Pod: Capsule
* PvE: Player vs Environment
* PvP: Player vs Player
* RF: Reinforce
* Rat: Histile NPC (Pirate)
* Refine: Reprocess
* Rep: Repair
=== S - Z ===
* SP: Skill points
* SRP: Ship Replacement Program
* Sec: Security Status or System Security
* SiSi: Singularity (Test Server)
* Stratop: Strategic Operation
* Stront: Strontium Clathrates
* T1: Tech 1
* T2: Tech 2
* T3: Tech 3
* TQ: Tranquility (Live server)
* Therm: Thermal
* TiDi: Time Dilation
* Tick: Server Tick
* UTC: Universal Time
* WH: Wormhole
* Wardec: War Declaration
===== Ships =====
=== A - I ===
* AF: Assault Frigate
* BC: Battlecruiser
* BLOPS: Black Ops Battleship
* BNI: Brutix Navy Issue
* BR: Blockade Runner
* BS: Battleship
* Boosher: Command Destroyer that's fit with a Micro Jump Field Generator
* Cap: Capital Ship
* Cov Ops: Covert Ops
* DST: Deep Space Transport
* Dessie: Destroyer
* Dictor: Interdictor
* Domi: Dominix
* Dread: Dreadnought
* FAX: Force Auxilary (Capital Logi)
* Frig: Frigate
* HAC: Heavy Assault Cruiser
* HIC/Hictor: Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
* Indy: Industrial ship
* Inty: Interceptor
=== J - R ===
* Logi: Logistics ship
* ONI: Omen Navy Issue
* OsNI: Osprey Navy Issue
* Rorq: Rorqual
=== S - Z ===
* SB: Stealth Bomber
* Super: Super Carrier
* Supercap: Super Carrier or Titan
* Tit: Titan
* VNI: Vexor Nevy Issue
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