Here's space for an introduction and general advice about running abyssal filaments.
//"Oh god make this useful" - Jinx De'Caire, May 2018//
==== Understanding Abyssal Tiers ====
==== Helpful links ====
* [[|Eve University Abyssal Deadspace Guide]]
* [[|Sheet of Abyssal NPC Stats]]
* [[|A Guide to Running High Tier Abyssal Sites With a Gila]]
* [[|Another Guide to Running High Tier Abyssal Sites With a Gila]]
* [[|Tech 1 CCP fits]]
* [[|Tech 2 CCP fits]]
* [[|Loot statistics in different tiers]]
==== Abyssal Fits ====
Note: some of these fits predate the 2020 april resistance module changes. Fits with multiple resistance modules might require better skills or better versions of their resistance modules.
The ship pages need to go under /public/dojo/wiki/abyssal_fits/
To create a new shippage, copy-paste the contents of the template fit to the new page.
=== Tranquil Filaments (T0) ===