====== How to rat in a WH ====== Ratting in a WH is vastly different from ratting in K-space. The NPC "rats" in WH space (usually called Sleepers) hit harder, have more HP, and also apply crippling EWAR (Neut pressure in particular is very strong in some sites). **These rat's do omni-damage and tank omni-resists** Additionally, CONCORD does not automatically pay out bounties on sleepers to pilots who kill them. Instead, the sleepers drop set amounts of loot. This loot is called "blue-loot", and is collected by the player and sold to NPC buy orders. Thus, WH space has delayed payouts on running anomalies, which presents a unique risk-reward balance to the player after every anomaly. Do they continue ratting and risk the blue loot they have already gathered, or do they drop the loot off and lose time ratting! Even after the loot is safely stored in a citadel or POS, it may be destroyed during transport, negating the effort of the pilots who did the ratting! ==== Ratting Overview ==== Much like in K-space, every anomaly in WH space is populated by rats. In WH space, the sequence of rats as you move through the various waves in the anomaly is known and recorded. Additionally the "trigger" for spawning the next wave is also known. Because of the difficulty of most WH anomalies, triggering the next wave before you are ready will often result in a site becoming impossible. The best source for people looking to run WH anomalies is **[[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/17cNu8hxqJKqkkPnhDlIuJY-IT6ps7kTNCd3BEz0Bvqs/pubhtml#|The WH Bible]]**. === Common Ships for Running WH Sites ===