===== BRAVE Alliance Rules =====
Brave makes every effort to keep its rules as straightforward as possible, so that we can provide an experience that's easygoing and fun for all our members. Every rule here exists as either part of our Core Tenets, or out of necessity.
==== Core Rules ====
These rules represent the standards that define us as members of Brave. Those who have an interest in law may recognize the phrase //Malum in se// ; //Wrong in itself//.
=== (§1) Stay Classy ===
**"The model BNI pilot is a fearless, bloodthirsty savage in ship combat and a perfect gentleman in the chat window." — Matias Otero**
**Our first and most important rule, Stay Classy defines our conduct as members of Brave. You can learn more about what that means in the fine print below.**
**Source:** Brave Collective
**The Fine Print:** Click Here
**Additional Reading:** [[https://www.reddit.com/r/Bravenewbies/comments/1c2vw4/on_the_subject_of_manners_and_other_thoughts/|The Reddit Post Where It All Began]]
== A Deeper Explanation ==
Staying classy means remaining civil even in the face of hostility, calm even in the face of destruction, and humble in victory.
These principles should guide your conduct whenever you are acting as a member of Brave; whether on our alliance services or in space, in public or private, talking to friend or foe.
== On Discrimination and Harassment ==
Brave does not permit discrimination or harassment of any kind by any user of our alliance-level services.
== On Social Disputes ==
Staying Classy can be broadly thought of as showing more grace, patience, and understanding to one another than you would to random strangers on the Internet. This might mean having to do more work, but putting in the work of care makes this a community.
== On Banned Content ==
In the interest of keeping the alliance approachable for all, the following are not welcome on our services:
* Pornography
* Gore
* IRL Politics
* Solicitation of Real Money
=== (§2) Do Not Shoot Blues ===
**Members of the Brave Collective are not allowed to shoot blues (those we have positive standings with) without their consent.**
**NPSI Fleets, Faction Warfare, and other organized PvP activities DO NOT constitute exceptions to this rule. Additionally, you may not use neutral alts to circumvent this rule.**
**Source:** Brave Collective / The Imperium
**The Fine Print:** Click Here
== In The Event of Friendly Fire ==
In cases where you are being shot at without your consent, make every possible effort to de-escalate the situation without firing back if possible. Report the person who shot you to either [[/member/alliance/hr/|HR]] if they were a member of Brave, or [[/public/alliance/diplomacy/|Diplo]] if they weren't.
=== (§3) Scams and Ransoms ===
**Scams of non-blues are generally permitted, however all ransoms must be honored if the demands are met.**
**Claiming to be a representative or officer of the alliance or one of its corporations as part of a scam is strictly prohibited.**
**Source:** Brave Collective
=== (§4) Market Policies ===
**Brave and The Imperium strictly prohibit buying with the intent to relist at a profit either in our space or outside of it; this practice is known as Blue-Fucking.**
**Supercapitals may only be sold within The Imperium and in accordance with the Imperium Supercapital Sales Policy.**
**Capitals may not be sold to neutrals or hostiles in or near Imperium Space, may not be sold in Amarrian Lowsec space, and may not be sold via public contracts in these areas.**
**Source:** Brave Collective / The Imperium
**The Fine Print:** Click Here
**Additional Reading:** [[https://goonfleet.com/index.php/topic/332781-gsf-consolidated-blue-fucking-policy-thread-read-it-or-else/|Goonswarm Blue-Fucking Policy]] / [[https://goonfleet.com/index.php/topic/333903-imp-capital-and-supercapital-sale-policies/|Imperium Supercapital Sales Policy]]
== A Detailed Definition of Relisting at a Profit ==
You may not buy up items from any Imperium market for the purpose of selling on another market. That includes other Imperium markets and Trade Hubs. You also may not buy up low-priced orders to put your existing orders at the top of the list, even if the items you bought were not directly relisted.
This rule refers to action taken in Brave and Imperium markets via the 'Regional Market' window, and is directed specifically towards clearing market orders of available stock for the purpose of raising those items' prices. It also applies to the sale of supercapital ships.
Contracts, firesales, trades, or any other private arrangements between individuals are, generally speaking, not covered by this rule. As such, it is strongly advised that you exercise discretion when dealing privately with anyone.
== Supercapital Sales Policy ==
Supercapitals may not be sold to or built for any non-Imperium player. **All** supercapital transactions must be conducted via the [[https://goonfleet.com/index.php/forum/218-super-s-mart/|Super S-Mart Forum]].
Access to post on the Super S-Mart Forum may be gained by applying to the [[https://esi.goonfleet.com/Group/1332|[SIG] Supercapital Market Access]] group on the Imperium Auth site. To apply, you MUST have completed the full set of required skills for either TitanSwarm, or Fight Club, as well as one of the ships contained within. These plans can be found on the [[https://skills.apps.gnf.lt/|Imperium Skill Checker]].
If you don't have the skills required to gain posting access, you can still sell ships by contacting one of our Brokers: **Yondu Quill**, **Locke Beulve**, or if they can't be reached **Jinx De'Caire**.
== Capital Sales Policy ==
Capitals may not be sold to neutrals or hostiles in any region that has at least one Imperium or ally controlled system. Capitals may not be sold in the regions of Kador, Kor-Azor, Khanid, Aridia, or Tash-Murkon. Freighters, Jump Freighters, and Rorquals are exempt from this rule.
== Pricing Your Items ==
**There are no set minimum or maximum price rules for listing items on the market.** With the exception of situations that rise to the level of scamming we do not enforce any sort of limitations on how you price your orders provided you follow the rest of the rules in this section.
=== (§5) Looting ===
**Loot from player ship wrecks generally belongs to whoever is the first to grab it. Loot from blue wrecks must be returned on request from the wreck's owner.**
**Loot from friendly capitals must either be returned to the owner or sent to [[https://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Brave_Holdings|Brave Holdings]].**
**Please do not loot or salvage on a grid where a fight is actively ongoing.**
**Source:** Brave Collective
=== (§6) Eve Online TOS and EULA ===
**You are expected to abide by the EVE Online Terms of Service and End User License Agreement at all times.**
**If you suspect someone of violating either of these documents, you are expected to report the character in question to both CCP and to alliance leadership by sending a ping to [[/member/alliance/hr/|HR]].**
**Source:** CCP Games / Brave Collective
**Additional Reading:** [[https://community.eveonline.com/support/policies/terms-of-service-en/|EVE Online - Terms of Service]] / [[https://community.eveonline.com/support/policies/eve-eula-en/|EVE Online - End User License Agreement]]
==== Administrative Rules ====
These rules exist so that the alliance can continue to run smoothly and efficiently. Those who have an interest in law may recognize the phrase //Malum prohibitum// ; //Wrong as prohibited//.
=== (§7) PvE Policies ===
**All systems with a Sovereignty Hub owned by an Imperium member are open for PvE. Moons are regulated by the system's Sovereignty Hub holder, and should NOT be assumed to be public.**
**Capital pilots must join the Imperium Beehive SIG to engage in PvE under the Impass Supercapital Umbrella.**
**All exploration sites in blue space must be completed or failed once started so they may respawn. Failing to do this is known as Cherrypicking.**
**You may not access Main or Reserve Banks belonging to Brave or any blue alliance.**
**If you find an NPC Sotiyo, talk to //Brendan Galios// or //Dujek Oneye// in private for coordination.**
**T2 Mining Lasers, T2 Modulated Strip Miners, and Faction/T2 Mining Drones are BANNED from mining R64 Moon Ore on all BRAVE Alliance Owned Moons**
**Source:** The Imperium
**The Fine Print:** Click Here
**Additional Reading:** [[https://wiki.goonswarm.org/w/Policy:Ratting_Rights|Imperium Ratting Rights Policy]] / [[https://goonfleet.com/index.php/topic/332196-beehive-making-honey-to-catch-more-flies/|The Imperium Beehive SIG]]
== Claiming Sites ==
All anomalies with the exception of mining sites may be claimed by actively running the site. Neither mining sites nor individual rocks may be claimed.
Cosmic Signatures, and Event Sites, along with Officer, Hauler, and Capital spawns may be claimed simply by remaining on grid with the NPC. Do not abuse this claiming method.
== R64 T2 Mining Ban ==
While T2 Mining Lasers, T2 Modulated Strip Miners, and Faction/T2 Mining Drones increase your ore mined per minute, they generate waste. This waste can be up to 64% of all ore mined!
Over the course of an R64 moon pop, this can be multiple billions of ISK worth of ore wasted. This ore could have either been mined by you (albeit with a little more time) or another pilot.
**Alliance Leadership may, at times of heightened hostile activity, authorize the use of T2 crystals to expedite the mining of an important moon.**
=== (§8) Ship Usage Restrictions ===
**Capital ships should refrain from engaging any targets that blues are already engaging or actively forming for without permission from the person heading the fight.**
**No capital ships are entitled to support unless they have existing arrangements, or can convince someone to provide it.**
**All ships operating in allied space must comply with the controlling alliance's rules and requests.**
**Source:** Brave Collective
**The Fine Print:** Click Here
== Approving and Denying Capital Interference ==
If present, a clear FC (regardless of if they're tagged or what alliance they're from) may decide whether or not to approve capital involvement in their engagement. A [[/member/alliance/military/fleet-command/commanders#capital_fcs|Capital FC]] or member of [[/public/alliance/military/|Military Leadership]] may approve any capital operation.
In rare instances, any member of [[/public/alliance/about#leadership|Alliance Leadership]] or the [[/public/alliance/diplomacy/|Diplo]] team may call off a capital drop.
== On Capital Saves ==
Capital groups and SIGs sometimes offer organized support for tackled ships. In some cases, standing or a small fleet may be sufficient to fend off attackers. DO NOT mislead people into thinking they need to support or save you.
== On Allied Space ==
If you have any questions or concerns about allied space, contact [[/public/alliance/diplomacy/|Diplo]].
=== (§9) Personal Deployables ===
**Members are generally allowed to drop Personal Deployables in Imperium Space, however they may be destroyed if left unattended.**
**MTUs may be shot on active combat grids and when left in unfinished anomalies. They may not be dropped in any mining locations.**
**You should attempt to contact and give the owner of an MTU a chance to scoop it before shooting it.**
**Warp Disruption Bubbles should not be placed on gates in any Brave or allied staging system. Bubbles may be destroyed if left unattended.**
**Source:** Brave Collective / The Imperium
**Additional Reading:** [[https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/203278031-Personal-Deployables|List of Personal Deployable Structures]]
=== (§10) Brave Core and Imperium Auth Accounts ===
**ALL your characters must be registered with and maintain valid tokens on [[https://account.bravecollective.com/|Brave Core]].**
**ALL your characters must be registered with and maintain valid tokens on [[https://esi.goonfleet.com/|Imperium Auth]].**
**Source:** Brave Collective / The Imperium
**The Fine Print:** Click Here
== Invalid Tokens ==
Tokens can on occasion go invalid. Usually this only happens when a character is transferred or the password for the Eve Account that character belongs to is changed.
You will receive an Eve Mail from Brave Core informing you if a token has gone invalid. If not fixed within a few days, you will automatically lose access to Brave IT Services.
== Deleted Characters ==
We generally do not recommend deleting your characters without good reason.
Brave Core will automatically detect and remove deleted characters within 1 - 2 days, you can speed this along by manually updating the deleted character on the [[https://account.bravecollective.com/|Brave Core]] website.
Deleted characters may be removed from Imperium Auth by selecting the character on the [[https://esi.goonfleet.com/|Imperium Auth]] site and clicking the //UNCLAIM SELECTED// button.
==== Requirements for Member Corporations ====
This section covers the requirements for different kinds of corporations to join and remain in Brave.
=== (§11) Independent Corporations - Brave Collective ===
**Independent Corporations within the Brave Collective alliance are expected to abide by the [[/public/alliance/requirements_for_corporations|Rules for Member Corporations]].**
**Source:** Brave Collective
=== (§12) Alt Corporations - Brave United ===
**Alt Corporations within the Brave United alliance are expected to abide by the [[/member/alliance/industry/brave_united|Alt Alliance Rules]].**
**Source:** Brave Collective
==== On Enforcement ====
These sections detail the scope of our rules, and how we enforce them.
=== (§13) Definition of Alliance Services ===
**Alliance services include but are not limited to our in-game alliance channels, Forum, Mumble, Wiki, Slack, Discord, and Subreddit.**
**Source:** Brave Collective
=== (§14) Brave HR ===
**HR Officers act as moderators of the alliance rules and are tasked with determining whether someone is in line with our rules.**
**Members are expected to comply with HR's instructions. The HR department can and will moderate all alliance services.**
**You can contact HR by sending a ping to the HR category via our [[https://events.bravecollective.com/pings|Ping Board]]. A list of HR Officers can be found on the [[/member/alliance/hr/|HR]] Wiki Page.**
**Source:** Brave Collective
**The Fine Print:** Click Here
== Appeals ==
Brave HR is authorized to decide on disciplinary action taken against all Brave Collective members. If an alliance member disagrees with a decision made by the HR Team, the course of action is to contact their corp leadership. Failure to follow this procedure or to follow the instructions of HR Officers can lead to further disciplinary action.
== Possible Penalties ==
Breaking our rules may result in a variety of penalties, including but not necessarily limited to:
* Fines (In either ISK or Exotic Dancers, Male)
* Temporarily or permanently higher fees to use Brave or Imperium in-space structure services.
* Temporary or permanent removal from some or all Alliance Services
* Removal from the alliance
=== (§15) On Rules Lawyering ===
**These rules exist for a reason, whether they be part of our core tenets, out of administrative necessity, or for diplomatic reasons. You are expected to act in good faith when dealing with them.**
**Brave HR is authorized to take disciplinary action beyond the immediate scope of the rules on this page if it is deemed necessary. The HR team answers to the Head of HR and the alliance CEO.**
**Source:** Brave Collective