===== Requirements for Corporations Within Brave Collective ==== This page details the requirements for corporations to be part of Brave Collective. Some of the rules apply to everyone in the alliance, but it's up to the leadership of an individual corporation to enforce those rules. We respect that a corporation is responsible for its members. These rules are well thought out, and in our experience help to maintain a healthy and vibrant corporation, which in turn leads to a healthy alliance. By being a member of Brave, you get the benefit of an alliance of thousands of members, but in turn those people care about your corporation. Your success or failure has an impact on us all. ==== Rules for Member Corporations ==== === Activity === * Your corporation must have at least 20 **people** that have been active in-game in the past 3 months, or be on a clear trajectory to achieving that number in the short term. * Your corporation must regularly clear out players that have been inactive for an extended period of time. * We recommend sending them an EveMail saying they would be welcome back if they return to the game. * Although we don't have individual fleet attendance requirements: * We do expect your corporation to contribute it's fair share to alliance fleets. === Recruitment === * Your corporation must use the [[https://joinus.bravecollective.com/|Brave Recruiting Website]] for recruitment, and perform ESI Checks on prospective members. * Your corporation's recruiters must be in the **#alliance-recruiters** channel on Slack. * Your corporation must not invite characters, or known alts of characters, that are on the Brave or Imperium Blacklists. * If you would like to appeal a Blacklist entry, bring your case to Diplo before recruiting. * Note that The Imperium levies fines against corporations that recruit characters on their Blacklist. === IT Requirements === * Each of your members must have an account on [[https://account.bravecollective.com/|Core]] and [[https://esi.goonfleet.com/|Imperium Auth]], with valid ESI tokens for all characters that they control. We highly recommend following the [[/public/alliance/it/how-to-set-up|IT Services Setup Guide]]. * There will be a short grace period on joining to give your members time to get authed in. We appreciate there may be extenuating circumstances for a few characters, but we do expect this rule to be eventually enforced. * Your CEO must be authed into the **core.tracking**, **finance** and **structures** ESI tokens on [[https://account.bravecollective.com/|Core]]. === Administrative Requirements === * Your corporation and members must adhere to the Brave [[/public/alliance/rules|Alliance]] and [[/member/alliance/logistics/structure_rules|Structure]] Rules. * Your corporation must have an active CEO and 2IC (or proxy for each) in the **#corp-alliance-leads** channel on Slack. * Your members must have their main characters in either your corporation, another corporation in Brave Collective, or Brave Empire Inc. * Your members must not have characters in other Sov-Holding Alliances. * Your corporation must, in a timely manner, pay all taxes as discussed in the [[/public/alliance/corporate_taxes|Corporate Tax Rules]]. * Your corporation must maintain a Corporate Tax Rate of at least 10%. * Your corporation must discourage large-scale tax avoidance within Brave space. ==== Essential Reading ==== All members of Brave are expected to follow the alliance rules. We expect your corporation's leadership to be familiar with them. These are the rules regarding the placement and operation of structures within Brave space. Please ensure that you've read and are familiar with them before dropping any. Brave levies monthly taxes on some of our member corporations' income sources, which makes up a small contribution to the alliance's finances. This guide details the minimum standards for recruitment in Brave, as well as some helpful methods for evaluating prospective members. Core's Member Tracking feature allows you to keep track of which characters in your corporation have Core Accounts, as well as any characters with Invalid ESI Tokens. ==== Enforcement of these Rules ==== We prefer wherever possible to talk through and amicably resolve issues with our member corporations. Brave Leadership is responsible for managing, monitoring, and ensuring the overall health of the corporations in Brave. They can help with understanding the rules and the reasons behind them, and how to keep your corporation healthy and active. On the very rare occasion that issues are unable to be resolved, or a corporation has become so inactive that it's unlikely to survive, a corporation may removed from the alliance.