===== Strategic Cruiser Skillplans ===== {{ https://images.evetech.net/types/29990/render?size=128&.png?100px }} **[[/member/alliance/military/doctrines/fleet_boosters|Strategic Cruisers]]** Strategic Cruisers are versatile support ships that can fill several different roles, from damage, to boosting, to EWAR. **To begin training, you must have up to and including the [[/public/alliance/military/skillplans/#experienced_pilots|Experienced Skillplan Core]] completed.** [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o-hSmsiIGRV2CulqAclmitcoDIDnLKj2/view?usp=sharing|Loki Minimum EveMon File]] Minmatar Defensive Systems I Minmatar Defensive Systems II Minmatar Defensive Systems III Minmatar Defensive Systems IV Minmatar Defensive Systems V Minmatar Core Systems I Minmatar Core Systems II Minmatar Core Systems III Minmatar Core Systems IV Minmatar Core Systems V Minmatar Cruiser I Minmatar Cruiser II Minmatar Cruiser III Minmatar Cruiser IV Minmatar Cruiser V Minmatar Strategic Cruiser I Minmatar Strategic Cruiser II Minmatar Strategic Cruiser III Minmatar Strategic Cruiser IV Minmatar Propulsion Systems I Minmatar Propulsion Systems II Minmatar Propulsion Systems III Minmatar Propulsion Systems IV Minmatar Propulsion Systems V Minmatar Offensive Systems I Minmatar Offensive Systems II Minmatar Offensive Systems III Minmatar Offensive Systems IV Minmatar Offensive Systems V Small Projectile Turret IV Small Projectile Turret V Small Autocannon Specialization I Small Autocannon Specialization II Small Autocannon Specialization III Small Autocannon Specialization IV Command Burst Specialist I Command Burst Specialist II Command Burst Specialist III Command Burst Specialist IV Skirmish Command I Skirmish Command II Skirmish Command III Skirmish Command IV Skirmish Command V Skirmish Command Specialist I Skirmish Command Specialist II Skirmish Command Specialist III Skirmish Command Specialist IV Shield Command I Shield Command II Shield Command III Shield Command IV Shield Command V Shield Command Specialist I Shield Command Specialist II Shield Command Specialist III Shield Command Specialist IV Information Command I Information Command II Information Command III Information Command IV Information Command V Information Command Specialist I Information Command Specialist II Information Command Specialist III Information Command Specialist IV [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WcSGFtouCpfEeAoFyMJVYq8ywfqfX4pQ/view?usp=sharing|Tengu Minimum EveMon File]] Caldari Defensive Systems I Caldari Defensive Systems II Caldari Defensive Systems III Caldari Defensive Systems IV Caldari Defensive Systems V Caldari Core Systems I Caldari Core Systems II Caldari Core Systems III Caldari Core Systems IV Caldari Core Systems V Caldari Destroyer I Caldari Destroyer II Caldari Destroyer III Caldari Cruiser I Caldari Cruiser II Caldari Cruiser III Caldari Cruiser IV Caldari Cruiser V Caldari Strategic Cruiser I Caldari Strategic Cruiser II Caldari Strategic Cruiser III Caldari Strategic Cruiser IV Caldari Propulsion Systems I Caldari Propulsion Systems II Caldari Propulsion Systems III Caldari Propulsion Systems IV Caldari Propulsion Systems V Caldari Offensive Systems I Caldari Offensive Systems II Caldari Offensive Systems III Caldari Offensive Systems IV Caldari Offensive Systems V Command Burst Specialist I Command Burst Specialist II Command Burst Specialist III Command Burst Specialist IV Information Command I Information Command II Information Command III Information Command IV Information Command V Information Command Specialist I Information Command Specialist II Information Command Specialist III Information Command Specialist IV Shield Command I Shield Command II Shield Command III Shield Command IV Shield Command V Shield Command Specialist I Shield Command Specialist II Shield Command Specialist III Shield Command Specialist IV Skirmish Command I Skirmish Command II Skirmish Command III Skirmish Command IV Skirmish Command V Skirmish Command Specialist I Skirmish Command Specialist II Skirmish Command Specialist III Skirmish Command Specialist IV [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/12R1uHeAP-Zdewcc6nrZXriNaUfbvsHCU/view?usp=sharing|Legion Minimum EveMon File]] Amarr Defensive Systems I Amarr Defensive Systems II Amarr Defensive Systems III Amarr Defensive Systems IV Amarr Defensive Systems V Amarr Core Systems I Amarr Core Systems II Amarr Core Systems III Amarr Core Systems IV Amarr Destroyer I Amarr Destroyer II Amarr Destroyer III Amarr Cruiser I Amarr Cruiser II Amarr Cruiser III Amarr Cruiser IV Amarr Cruiser V Amarr Strategic Cruiser I Amarr Strategic Cruiser II Amarr Strategic Cruiser III Amarr Strategic Cruiser IV Amarr Propulsion Systems I Amarr Propulsion Systems II Amarr Propulsion Systems III Amarr Propulsion Systems IV Amarr Offensive Systems I Amarr Offensive Systems II Amarr Offensive Systems III Amarr Offensive Systems IV Amarr Offensive Systems V Command Burst Specialist I Command Burst Specialist II Command Burst Specialist III Command Burst Specialist IV Armored Command I Armored Command II Armored Command III Armored Command IV Armored Command V Armored Command Specialist I Armored Command Specialist II Armored Command Specialist III Armored Command Specialist IV Information Command I Information Command II Information Command III Information Command IV Information Command V Information Command Specialist I Information Command Specialist II Information Command Specialist III Information Command Specialist IV Skirmish Command I Skirmish Command II Skirmish Command III Skirmish Command IV Skirmish Command V Skirmish Command Specialist I Skirmish Command Specialist II Skirmish Command Specialist III Skirmish Command Specialist IV Minmatar Drone Specialization I Minmatar Drone Specialization II Minmatar Drone Specialization III