====== Naglfar Skillplans ====== {{ https://images.evetech.net/types/19722/render?size=128&.png?110px }} **[[/member/alliance/military/capitals/dreadnought/naglfar|Naglfar]]** The Naglfar is the Minmatar Dreadnought. It makes the tradeoff of having the highest damage of any standard dreadnought but also the least powerful tank. When its good range, good application, and partially-selectable damage are taken into account the Nag becomes one of the best dreadnought available. **To begin training, you must have the [[/public/alliance/military/skillplans/#capital_pilots|Fresh Capital Alt Skillplan]] completed.** [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/17g8n3IHd12IfsUDDQ-r_bNvvNTo5mkAO/view?usp=sharing|Naglfar (Capital Alt) EveMon File]] Weapon Upgrades III Weapon Upgrades IV Advanced Weapon Upgrades I Advanced Weapon Upgrades II Advanced Weapon Upgrades III Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV Advanced Weapon Upgrades V Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration I Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration II Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration III Gunnery V Motion Prediction III Motion Prediction IV Rapid Firing III Rapid Firing IV Sharpshooter III Sharpshooter IV Surgical Strike I Surgical Strike II Surgical Strike III Surgical Strike IV Trajectory Analysis II Trajectory Analysis III Trajectory Analysis IV Shield Management V Shield Operation I Shield Operation II Shield Operation III Shield Operation IV Shield Upgrades II Shield Upgrades III Shield Upgrades IV Minmatar Frigate I Minmatar Frigate II Minmatar Frigate III Minmatar Destroyer I Minmatar Destroyer II Minmatar Destroyer III Minmatar Cruiser I Minmatar Cruiser II Minmatar Cruiser III Minmatar Battlecruiser I Minmatar Battlecruiser II Minmatar Battlecruiser III Minmatar Battleship I Minmatar Battleship II Minmatar Battleship III Minmatar Dreadnought I Minmatar Dreadnought II Minmatar Dreadnought III Small Projectile Turret I Small Projectile Turret II Small Projectile Turret III Medium Projectile Turret I Medium Projectile Turret II Medium Projectile Turret III Large Projectile Turret I Large Projectile Turret II Large Projectile Turret III Large Projectile Turret IV Large Projectile Turret V Capital Projectile Turret I Capital Projectile Turret II Capital Projectile Turret III Capital Projectile Turret IV Ladar Sensor Compensation I Ladar Sensor Compensation II Ladar Sensor Compensation III [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m4SPCKP4rhoYVWWETf1E7CiKlRs0wEgj/view?usp=sharing|Naglfar (Capital Alt) EveMon File]] Weapon Upgrades III Weapon Upgrades IV Advanced Weapon Upgrades I Advanced Weapon Upgrades II Advanced Weapon Upgrades III Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV Advanced Weapon Upgrades V Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration I Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration II Tactical Weapon Reconfiguration III Gunnery V Motion Prediction III Motion Prediction IV Rapid Firing III Rapid Firing IV Sharpshooter III Sharpshooter IV Surgical Strike I Surgical Strike II Surgical Strike III Surgical Strike IV Trajectory Analysis II Trajectory Analysis III Trajectory Analysis IV Shield Management V Shield Operation I Shield Operation II Shield Operation III Shield Operation IV Shield Upgrades II Shield Upgrades III Shield Upgrades IV Minmatar Frigate I Minmatar Frigate II Minmatar Frigate III Minmatar Destroyer I Minmatar Destroyer II Minmatar Destroyer III Minmatar Cruiser I Minmatar Cruiser II Minmatar Cruiser III Minmatar Battlecruiser I Minmatar Battlecruiser II Minmatar Battlecruiser III Minmatar Battleship I Minmatar Battleship II Minmatar Battleship III Minmatar Dreadnought I Minmatar Dreadnought II Minmatar Dreadnought III Small Projectile Turret I Small Projectile Turret II Small Projectile Turret III Medium Projectile Turret I Medium Projectile Turret II Medium Projectile Turret III Large Projectile Turret I Large Projectile Turret II Large Projectile Turret III Large Projectile Turret IV Large Projectile Turret V Capital Projectile Turret I Capital Projectile Turret II Capital Projectile Turret III Capital Projectile Turret IV Ladar Sensor Compensation I Ladar Sensor Compensation II Ladar Sensor Compensation III