===== Information for New Member Corporations ===== Welcome to Brave Collective. This page gives some essential information for corporations that have just joined us to allow you to get up to speed as soon as possible. Please read through it over the next day or two. \\ \\ === Getting IT Services Set Up === All of your corporation's members will need access to Slack and Mumble as these are Brave's main communication tools, they will also need to auth for Imperium services. Luckily we have a handy guide which can be found at https://wiki.bravecollective.com/public/alliance/it/how-to-set-up \\ \\ === Introducing the Rules === There is a quite simple set rules for all members of Brave that can be found at https://wiki.bravecollective.com/public/alliance/rules Additionally there are rules / requirements that each corporation must follow that can be found at https://wiki.bravecollective.com/public/alliance/requirements_for_corporations === Recruitment === We provide a recruitment tool called Joinus and all corporations are expected to perform a minimum standard of ESI checks to keep both us and you safe from spies and troublemakers. Details on how our recruitment process can be found at https://wiki.bravecollective.com/member/alliance/recruiter/newpilotrecruitment/start