====== Hauling Programs ====== This page details all the publicly and privately operated hauling services currently operated by members of Brave Collective in highsec and nullsec. ===== What Are Hauling Programs? ===== Hauling programs are services that move your items from one place to another using **Courier Contracts**. A Courier Contract is a special type of contract that binds the person who accepts it to either move the items provided to the destination or pay the issuer the collateral assigned to the Courier Contract. This means that **as long as you properly collateralize your Courier Contracts** (usually this is 110% of Jita Sell), you can use them to move your items safely. Some services will move items exclusively in null-sec or high-sec, while others will service a mixture of the two. Because of the nature of null-sec space and the dangers that come with traveling across, many haulers will only use Jump Freighters in null-sec, which can jump across large distances safely, at the cost of fuel. The fuel consumption for these Jump Freighters is based upon the distance they travel and not the amount of cargo they carry, so many Jump Freighter pilots will only transport goods when they have a full load. Thus, many hauling services will only service select "hub systems" in null-sec that have lots of demand for imports and exports to ensure that they are maximizing the amount of cargo they are carrying. So you might have trouble finding someone to transport your goods to or from a non-hub system. Do your research! Not everyone can be trusted in EVE - make sure to use "courier contracts", not "item exchanges" and to properly collateralize your courier contracts. This protects both yourself and the hauler. The rates when paying for the services of a jump freighter can vary greatly depending on the current cost of fuel and the availability of mid-point systems along their routes, so expect that prices may change. **NOTE:** JF pilots, be sure to check this guide for JF advice, in particular how to not die: [[member:alliance:logistics:jf:how-to-jf|How to Fly a Jump Freighter]] ===== Alliance Hauling Services ===== [[public:alliance:logistics:jf:how-to-use|{{ https://image.eveonline.com/Corporation/98209548_128.png?64 }}]] **[[public:alliance:logistics:jf:how-to-use|Brave Little Toaster]]** \\ \\ **Brave's official Jump Freighter Service!** [[public:alliance:logistics:blops-import:|{{ https://images.evetech.net/types/28652/icon?size=128&.png?64 }}]] **[[public:alliance:logistics:blops-import:|Blops Import]]** \\ \\ **A Network of Bridgers For Blockade Runners!** ===== Private Hauling Services ===== **If you operate a program and would like to have it listed here, see [[:playground:how_to_make_a_service_page]] and tell us in the [[https://brave-collective.slack.com/archives/C8T56UVGC|#wiki-updates]] channel on Slack.** ==== Null-Sec Hauling Programs ==== [[public:alliance:industry:procurement:kels_ass|{{ https://images.evetech.net/characters/2116518456/portrait?size=64&.png? }}]] **[[public:alliance:industry:procurement:kels_ass|Kel's A.S.S. (Acquisition and Shipping Service)]]** \\ [[public:alliance:logistics:gdso-jf-service:|{{ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bravecollective/wiki-files/main/imgur/q4h1J7w.png?size=128&.png?64 }}]] **[[public:alliance:logistics:gdso-jf-service:|Galactic Deep Space Operations JF Service]]** \\ \\ **GDSO JF Service** [[public:alliance:industry:procurement:kobekas|{{ https://images.evetech.net/characters/93483789/portrait?size=64&.png? }}]] **[[public:alliance:industry:procurement:kobekas|Kobek's Acquisition & Shipping]]** \\ ==== Low Sec Hauling Programs ==== [[public:corps:brave-empire:logistics|{{ https://images.evetech.net/corporations/98613799/logo?size=64&.png? }}]] **[[public:corps:brave-empire:logistics|Brave Empire Logistics]]** \\ \\ **Up to 320km3** ==== High Sec Hauling Programs ==== [[public:corps:brave-empire:logistics|{{ https://images.evetech.net/corporations/98613799/logo?size=64&.png? }}]] **[[public:corps:brave-empire:logistics|Brave Empire Logistics]]** \\ ==== Pochven Hauling Programs ==== [[public:alliance:industry:buybacks:obsidian_logistical_services#hauling|{{ https://images.evetech.net/corporations/98748605/logo?size=64&.png? }}]] **[[public:alliance:industry:buybacks:obsidian_logistical_services#hauling|Obsidian Logistical Services Hauling]]** \\ These lists are occasionally rotated every month. Last rotation was February 22nd, 2024 by Aernir Ridley. /* ROTATION RESULTS FOR February 22nd, 2024 >>> null_haulers = ["Galactic Deep Space Operations JF Service", "Kel's A.S.S. (Acquisition and Shipping Service)"] >>> random.shuffle(null_haulers); print(null_haulers); ["Kel's A.S.S. (Acquisition and Shipping Service)", 'Galactic Deep Space Operations JF Service'] >>> low_haulers = ["Brave Empire Logistics"] >>> random.shuffle(low_haulers); print(low_haulers); ['Brave Empire Logistics'] >>> high_haulers = ["Brave Empire Logistics"] >>> random.shuffle(high_haulers); print(high_haulers); ['Brave Empire Logistics'] >>> pochven_haulers = ["Obsidian Logistical Services Hauling"] >>> random.shuffle(pochven_haulers); print(pochven_haulers); ['Obsidian Logistical Services Hauling'] */