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===== Tempest Buyback =====
==== Description ====
Need some quick and easy cash in your wallet? Do you have valuable Overseer's Personal Effects and Warclone Blanks hanging around? Sell them to me for quick ISK.
=== Qualifying Items ===
**Overseers Effects and Event Loot **
=== Standard Rate ===
== Overseers effects ==
* 1st - 10,028 ISK
* 2nd - 18,400 ISK
* 3rd - 36,800 ISK
* 4th - 55,200 ISK
* 5th - 165,600 ISK
* 6th - 331,200 ISK
* 7th - 552,000 ISK
* 8th - 1,104,000 ISK
* 9th - 1,932,000 ISK
* 10th - 3,091,200 ISK
* 11th - 5,796,000 ISK
* 12th - 9,108,000 ISK
* 13th - 12,144,000 ISK
* 14th - 15,824,000 ISK
* 15th - 20,056,000 ISK
* 16th - 26,772,000 ISK
* 17th - 32,844,000 ISK
* 18th - 39,744,000 ISK
* 19th - 47,545,600 ISK
* 20th - 56,304,000 ISK
* 21st - 73,600,000 ISK
* 22nd - 93,508,800 ISK
* 23rd - 123,130,040 ISK
== Other ==
* Covert Research Tools - 400,000 ISK
* Bitumens (and all variants) - 100% Jita Buy
=== Qualifying Locations ===
**K7D-II Keepstar**
==== Contact Information ====
^ Name ^ Position ^ Contact ^
| Raphael Tempest | Buyback Operator | Slack: @Raphael Tempest |
==== Instructions ====
- Simply add together all of the ISK of the items you wish to sell to me at the rates on this page.
- Create a Contract to "Raphael Tempest" using the amount you calculate.
- Poke me on Slack via private message
- The contract should have an expiration date of 1 week.
- Receive ISK.