{{https://images.evetech.net/corporations/98748605/logo?size=128&.png?|Obsidian Logistical Services Logo, a dark gray castle on top of a black disc enclosed by a red beveled ring.}}
===== Obsidian Logistical Services =====
* **[[#buyback|Buyback]]**
* **[[#hauling|Hauling]]**
==== Details ====
=== Qualifying Items ===
All Asteroid Ores, compressed or not
=== Standard Rate ===
90% Jita Buy
=== Qualifying Locations ===
* All Pochven NPC stations (except Kino)
* Ala - Veles Freeport
==== Contact Information ====
^ Name ^ Position ^ Contact ^
| [[user:walayden_obsidia |Walayden Obsidia]] | Operator | Slack: @Walayden Obsidia |
**Slack Channel:** #obsidian
==== Instructions ====
=== Get a quote ===
- From your inventory, select all the ore you want to sell, and CMD/CTRL+C to copy the list.
- Navigate to [[https://oblog.space/buybackprogram]], and register if this is your first time.
- Select "Buyback Program" from the nav bar, then select "Use" on the row for Pochven Ore Buyback.
- Paste the list or items from the Eve client into the text box, and click "Calculate".
* The calculator does the 90% of Jita Buy calculation for you without any extra clicks.
* Keep this page up, as you'll copy and paste values from it into your contract.
=== Create a contract ===
- With the items still selected in your inventory, right click one of them and select "Create Contract".
- Create the contract using the settings specified on the website.
==== Details ====
=== Pochven Import ===
== Origins ==
* DO6H-Q - Dunk's Bee Hive
* C4C-Z4 - The Sanctuary Institute of Paleo
* F-NMX6 - Mothership Bellicose
* Jita 4 - Moon IV - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
== Destination ==
* Urhinichi IX - Svarog Clade Proving Complex
=== Pricing ===
* 5% of the collateral
* 25 million ISK minimum
=== Pochven Export ===
== Origins ==
* Any Pochven NPC station (except Kino)
* Ala - Veles Freeport
== Destination ==
* Jita 4 - Moon IV - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
=== Restrictions ===
* Max Collateral: 3 billion ISK
* Max Volume: 63,900 m3
* No assembled ships
==== Contact Information ====
^ Name ^ Position ^ Contact ^
| [[user:walayden_obsidia |Walayden Obsidia]] | Operator | Slack: @Walayden Obsidia |
**Slack Channel:** #obsidian
==== Instructions ====
- Navigate to [[https://oblog.space/freight]], and register if this is your first time.
- Select "Freight" from the nav bar.
- Choose the appropriate route
* Note that that all routes are one-way except Urhinichi <-> Jita -- All imports are delivered to Urhinichi, and all exports are delivered to Jita.
- Place the estimated value of your shipment in the "Collateral" field.
- Click the big green button that says "Click To Calculate Reward!"
- Create your contract using the details specified on the right.
* 14 days expiration and 7 days to complete is recommended, but you are welcome to set whatever expiration and days to complete you wish.
* For rush shipments, please reach out directly in-game or on Slack.
I had to pick a station in each system to make the app happy, so you might get a warning if you create a contract that is in a different station. Ignore any such warning. As long as you're in a supported system, you're all good.