=== Base Rate ===
**90% Jita Buy**
=== Qualifying Items ===
**Nearly All Items**
Please contact us for Moon Ore quotes
=== Accepted Locations ===
* Keberz - Any Brave Station
* Khanid Region - Any Brave Station
===== Contact Information =====
^ Name ^ Position ^ Contact ^
| [[user:al_heamer|Al Heamer]] | Buyback Operator | Slack: @alheamer |
| [[user:berend_antollare|Berend Antollare]] | Buyback Operator | Slack: @berendantollare |
**Slack Channel:** #brave-empire-buyback
===== Instructions =====
- Please copy/paste your list of items into https://empire-buyback.netlify.app
- Check the value of your items and note the quote number on the left
- Create a new contract to Nothing Industries (ticker [NULI])
- Set the quote value as 'I will receive' in your contract
- Enter the quote number into the comment section of your contract