{{ https://image.eveonline.com/Corporation/98444656_128.png }}
====== Brave POS Boys ======
===== Description and Eligibility =====
BRAVE Pos Boys buys Liquid Ozone and Fuel Blocks. Keep those ansiblex working!
=== Qualifying Items ===
**Liquid Ozone**
** Fuel blocks (not needed at the moment) **
=== Standard Rate ===
Jita Buy
=== Preferred Locations ===
** Fuel blocks -- Any structure in K7D-II **
** Liquid Ozone -- Any structure in K7D, UVHO or H-4 **
===== Contact Information =====
^ Name ^ Position ^ Contact ^
| Arian Felou or Yondu Quill | Buyback Operator | Slack: various |
===== Instructions =====
Just put up a contract to Brave Pos Boys, only in one of our preferred locations, for the correct price.