
True Sansha Fleet Staging Point - 9/10

The True Sansha Fleet Staging Point is the 9/10 DED rated complex found in Sansha's Nation space. This site really throws a wrench into the established layout of most DED sites, having several different "escalations" which can take a runner all over one or more regions to complete. The loot is also unique in that there's only 5 possible deadspace drops, only 1 of which is worth over 100 mil. On the positive side, besides the overseer structure there's nothing in this site that would push the tank of a dedicated DED running ship.

To add to the differences, only the first site has ship restrictions, while the 2 "escalations" can be run in any ship with no restrictions, including capitals.

WARNING: Because of the randomness in which escalations spawn, a runner is likely to find themselves in hostile space while running this site.

The first site contains 2 rooms with a total of 5 waves. It is ship restricted to Battleships/T3Cs down like all other nullsec DED sites.

First Room

The first room contains 2 waves, both of which need to be killed to proceed to the next room. The warpin point is on the next acceleration gate, so sentries are highly viable.

First Wave Ships
Battleships - 4
Battlecruisers - 2
Destroyers - 2
Second Wave Ships
Battleships - 4
Battlecruisers - 3
Destroyers - 3

Second Room

The second room contains 3 waves, and will escalate to the second site on completion.

First Wave Ships
Cruise Missile Batteries - 4
Point Defense Batteries - 2
Energy Neutralizing Towers - 2

Battleships - 4
Battlecruisers - 2
Destroyers - 2
Second Wave Ships
Battleships - 4
Battlecruisers - 2
Destroyers - 2
Third Wave Ships
Battleships - 3
Battlecruisers - 2
Destroyers - 2

The second site again contains 2 rooms with a total of 5 waves. This site though can be run without ship restrictions, and has been successfully tested in carriers.

First Room

The first room contains 3 waves, all of which need to be killed to proceed to the next room. The warpin point is 15km away from the acceleration gate so keep this in mind if you're using a capital ship.

First Wave Ships
Battleships - 4
Battlecruisers - 3
Destroyers - 2
Second Wave Ships
Battleships - 4
Destroyers - 3
Frigates - 2
Third Wave Ships
Cruise Missile Batteries - 3
Energy Neutralizer Towers - 2

Battleships - 2
Battlecruisers - 2
Cruisers - 2
Destroyers - 2

Second Room

The second room contains 2 waves, and will escalate to the final site on completion.

First Wave Ships
Cruise Missile Batteries - 6
Point Defense Batteries - 3

Battleships - 5
Battlecruisers - 4
Frigates - 3
Second Wave Ships
Battleships - 5
Cruisers - 5
Frigates - 3

The second and final escalation spawns the overseer structure, a True Sansha Battletower, on the first wave. Subsequent waves will spawn as the structure loses health. To finish this site you just need to destroy this structure. This site has been tested in carriers, but make sure to read the warning below.

WARNING: This site's overseer structure possesses weapons that do incredible amounts of damage against capital ships. The site is viable in one but you MUST stay moving at full speed to tank them passively. An active tank is recommended.

Only Room

The first wave spawns the True Sansha Battletower. This structure requires ~500 dps to break, but fires XL Torpedoes that do 250,000 EM damage once every 1-3 minutes, with the same Explosion Velocity / Radius as T1 XL Torpedoes.

First Wave Ships
True Sansha Battletower (Requires ~500 dps to Break)

Battleships - 4
Cruisers - 2
Frigates - 4

The second wave spawns once the structure enters about 50% shield.

Second Wave Ships
Cruise Missile Batteries - 6

Battleships - 6
Battlecruisers - 3
Frigates - 2

The third wave will spawn shortly after, but not at exactly the same point as wave 2.

Third Wave Ships
Energy Neutralizer Towers - 2

The final wave will spawn once the structure enters about 50% Armor.

Fourth Wave Ships
Battleships - 5
Cruisers - 4
Frigates - 4
Effects TierApproximate Value
22nd104,000,000.00 ISK
Deadspace SubsetDeadspace LevelArmor/Shield

NOTE: The Centus A-Type Large Armor Repairer is the best possible drop here, at around 170,000,000.00 ISK. All others hover around 70,000,000.00 ISK.

Faction SubsetModule SizeArmor/Shield
True SanshaBattleshipArmor
Ship ClassShip SizeApproximate Ship Value
NightmareBattleship416,000,000.00 ISK
  • public/dojo/wiki/ded-sites/sansha-9-10.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/07/18 16:41
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